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Tio sat dwn on d couch,starin intently at d person in frnt of him.
U myt wonda wu he's staring at,well let me tel u.
Sitting across from him was a tired lookin girl,haggard hair,hushed breaths,angry luk..but all the same,stunning looking.

'Yi Jung'He called again for lyk d 100th tym alredi
no response

Yi jung,eat up.D cereal's gettin cold
no response

So Yi Jung
stil no response

Frustrated,Tio stood up and walked ova to ha
'U see,U want to wonder y i came to dis city,seoul?'E sed,puttin an arm across ha shoulder to which she shushed away

'I came for U'E sed

(well u guys myt be wonderin 'but Tio came for Terry...to kill him.so wat nw?'..well u are right.HE CAME TO KILL TERRY.but in d process,fell for his girlfriend also,and wich accordin to im,HE MUST AV)

Yi jung,is it Terry?Tio askd
'oh pls Fake hoom room teacher,U and ur bro are total jack-asses!'Yu jung sudenly erupted

Tio smiled
He luvd sassy girls lyk dis...

'Nw,yi jung dear,ea-

'dnt call me #dear!'she screamed,jerkin up frm d couch,nd spillin d bowl of cornflakes in d process

'Am nt even sure y u kidnaped me but PLS even if i dnt av a family,jst release me,i ll b beta off livin in d streets wit dogs dan here!'

Tio made a sad face at that,clutching his heart
'Yi jung,i wana confe-

grr grr
(doorbell ringin)

Tio stared @ d door....pissed
Yi jung also.bt nt wit d same facial xpression as Tio's..hers was of #hope...mayb sumone had come to save ha?..Terry?..as much as she hated im ryt nw,she stil wnted...

'fuck it!at such tym'Tio cursed unda his breath as he left yi jung's presence nd headed towrds d door,totally cuttin yi jung of ha tots

He didnt usually receive visitors and besyds he jst came into dis century,so wu cld it be?E tot to imself annoyedly as he got closer to d door

only two pple knew his ause
#Terry,E tot as he neared d door nw
#Aurora,.../stndin in frnt of d dor nw/
...or is it his long tym frnd,d one whom he felt his presence d nyt he kidnapped yi jung?...#wolFampire_prince_Lee_Min_ho??
../turning d door knob nw/
Yi jung looked expectantly as d door opened gradually n gradually until it exposed d caller's face
Sudenly ha shoulders hunched
And ha face went sullen

it wasnt Terry

or any rescuer
infact it was a girl

'MIA'Tio sed,lukin wide eyed at the beautiful lady in frnt of him..the prince's official girlfriend

GAWD y are the people arnd him always d ones with the prettiest girl-
'YEAH ITS ME TIO,YOUR FRIEND IS IN TROUBLE'she sed,interruptin him....

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