chapter 7:His girlfriend

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Picture is HER...(read on,you'll know who her is.winks)

She turnd n turnd n turnd,sweatin profusely.
And den she woke Up wit a start


She sighed,getin up
she slowly lukd arnd..tho ha vision ws blurry,she cld mke out d fact dt @ least she ws in a paradise-like place.

ceilin white,walls white,..or is it paradise rili?is she dead?..

'where am i'she muttered to no1 in particular

'A ROOM'was the answer she got

wait wu ws dat?She tot jerkin ha head @ all corners.Den she sw im.

A blurred figure sitin jst across d bed frm she hallucinatin dt or ws sumone rili dere?

'w-wu is dere?'she askd,again

'MY ROOM'd voice sed again,ignorin ha question.
And dt ws wen it sunk in

This voice
Was her Boss's
Hell wat is she doin in his room?!

'M-Mr Lee min ho?'she stamad,quickly getin dwn frm d bed n arrangin d sheet

'yea sweet sec.dats me'

Oh boi.Suzy wt d hell were u lukin for in his room?!

Sudenly frm ha peripheral vision,she saw him stnd up n begin walkin towrds..towrds ha?!
Oh no pls dnt.She tot increasin ha speed in arrangin d sheet
And as if E read ha mind,E stpd walkin

'You came into my room holdin sum documents and jst wen U wer bout liftin it up and sayin sumtin,U slumped dwn.Lucky i ws fast to catch U'E sed standin in d middle of d room

oh,so dt ws wat apund
aishh feelin bad alredi

'No nid'E sed resumin his wlkin

for sum reason,ha head chanted 'dnt come,dnt come'

'can U stp doin dt?'E sed

'yeh?'she sed tinkin he ws referrin to ha secret+silly head screams

'Dat'E sed Lazily pointin to d bed
Slowly and awkwardly,She lukd dwn @ ha hand...ha hand dt ws speedily makin d bed b4

Den she felt his hand on ha shoulder

Again,for sum reason,she flinched

'We've got cleaners.Leave d bed'


'And besyds U ar lukin more crumpled up dan d bed.'
wit dat,E walkd outsyd

All d breath she had been holdin in whyl E held ha shoulders n sed dAt came out in a rush

we?He's d owner of d cleaners ryt?so why-oh my Suzy,stp imaginin tins.stp it.he is Ur boss

And wit dt resolution,she lukd dwn @ hasef to even see d crumpled E ws talkin ab-

Y is my hair disrevelled and my skirt roughened??!!!

'HEY DNT GET ANY STUPID IDEAS BAE SUZY,YOU..U AR JUST MY P.A'She heard im call out suddenly from outside

Tho notin apund(she ws sure cos as far as she knws,she wsnt feelin sore dwn dere.meanin ha hymen ws stil intact),she frowned as she heard his retreatin footsteps dwn d corridor

That jerk
Of a boss
As lee min ho walkd alng one of d corridors of his castle-lyk house,His face began growin uneasy
Slowly,E halted his footsteps
He ws hearin sumtin
Den wit a swift move,he turned his hea-

'arrghh'E groaned.not out of pain,bt out of annoyance.
A hand had held his face n pulled im in2 d nxt available room

And dammit.E knew jst wu it was.

'Damn cnt U eva do lyk a normal human bein for once??tot U wld meet me in d sitin rum'E sed pullin away frm his abductor

'oh rili?human?c'mon cut it off Lee'she sed drawin lines on his back.

It turnd out d nxt available room ws a kitchen and ryt nw,dis new lee's kidnapper ws sittin on d lower shelf,wit lee standin in frnt of ha,ha legs entwining him

'yea Mia,Dis is d world of humans.U av to-

'shh enof wit d lectures nw hunh?'she sed usin ha finger to demonstrate dt on his lips

'lets..tlk bout Us'she sed bringin ha face dwn 2wrds im

'Mia'lee sed bt she had alredi captured his lips

'oh god'E muttered as E held ha hair n tuk ova it

Theirs ws a wild one.
Their teeth alredi joined d moment.
Showin its full length.
And wit lee pushin ha here and dere,hittin d cabinets n all,U myt wana wonda if she wsnt feelin d effects.well yea,she isnt.


then sudenly,footsteps were heard and as Suzy's figure almst showd @ d open door,Mia teleported n shut d door

'omo!(omg!)wt ws dt'Suzy tot lukin @ d door dt jst closed on its own

'yh mst b d breeze'she sed,walkin off



Calm dwn Mia

Y d heck did she av to walk past @ dt tym?!

Its a coincidence

Urgh I so much feel lyk-

Stp wateva U ar feelin

I so much wana rip ha head off


'oh my,Lee?U neva shouted @ me lyk dt'Mia said with wide eyes while clutching at her chest

yh cos U avnt bin listenin to me.Dt girl is a NO GO AREA

WHY.she askd wit a suspicious luk in ha eyes

'oh cut it off.its nt wat U ar tinkin.Its jst,She's my PA.i av a responsibility ova ha'

she lafd,while straightenin ha hair frustratedly

'i ws jst wondrin wen d min ho i knw,strted avin RESPONSIBILITIES.


'Nah nah its ok.Jst,since u wana tke RESPONSIBILITY,jst mke sure U kip to ur wrds.I bet U u wont tho,she's gat great skin'Mia taunted,smirking

Min ho inwardly admited dt

'wel,tlkin bout dt,tel me,hw did U-

'yh d HOME EMERGENCY?came to see my boo's face bt saw a strange girl enterin ur room.And damn it ws in-

'yh i knw,THAT STATE.It was in that state'E sed interuptin ha

'yh and U knw wat,afta shriekin,it didnt tke d poor tin a few secs n she slumpd dwn n fainted'mia sed grimacin

'And E dint tke u a few secs to strt salivatin ova ha neck'

'oh c'mon nw,stp it'she sed elbowin im

'so,hw did it go.Compulsion cn b hard wen d victim is unconscious u knw'


So..I'm seeing this book is getting more and more reads.Past hundred??woah!Never expected that I swear,what with the customisations and all
Thank you all,readers!!
Hit the vote icon before you exit alright??That would be you being supportive and helping me not to have a writer's block yeah.
Thanks once again and love you all!!♡♡♥♥

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