4-Why You Gotta Be So Complicated

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Nique POV

I woke up he next morning with a banging headache. Did I really just have a wet dream about Ray? I barley even know him. Oh well.

I took a shower and then got dressed I wore


I put my hair in a bun at the top of my head. My hair was back to natural. Since I'm part white and mostly black, I got that good good.

I grabbed my iphone and bookbag and was out the door.

On my way to school, I decided to walk with Ray. Luckily, I saw him coming from his door as I passed his house.

"Hey, Ray!" I called out. He began walking towards me.

"Wassup." He responded when we started walking side by side.

"Nun. It was cold last night." I said to him.

He nodded. "I didn't sleep good either. Had a weird dream." Ray said. How peculiar.

"Its funny cause I did too." I responded.

"What was your dream about?" Ray asked.

"Um.. It was-" I got cut off by the second bell, signaling one more and you're late.

"See ya." Ray said as he started walking away.

I breathed out. "Saved by the bell." I hurried in class and once again, people stared.

"Just in time, Ms. Pullins." Ms. Lagos said.

I sat at my desk. We were starting to learn about the holocaust. I was mid interested when I got a note thrown at me. I opened it up and began to read.

Come over to my house today. We should discuss stuff.


I wonder what he wants to discuss. I looked at him and nodded. my head yes.

Ray's House


I wanted Nique to come over so that we could talk and do more of our project.

"Hey." I greets her as she sat her bookbag on the chair and plopped on my bed and smiled.

"Wassup. You said you wanna talk.

"Yep." I said popping the P. "About yesterday.."

"Oh, I don't need anyone else knowing about it." Nique said feircely.

"But, if you don't want to be missunderstood, people needa know about your life." I added. She rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Its none of their business though. So no thatnks." She snapped.

"Whatever. I was just trying to help." I yelled.

"Thanks but no thanks. I need to know I can trust you before I start allowing you to tell people my info." Zonnique said.

"So you don't trust me?" I asked. Nique crossed her arms under her boobs.

"I never said that. Ugh." She sighed.

"Damn, Nique. Why you gotta be so complicated!" I yelled out.

Nique POV

OMG Ray was dogging my shit cause I refuse for him to let everyone know my story. I mean come on, its none of their business.

"Maybe I should just leave." I finally said as I grabbed my bookbag. Ray caught my arm.

"Stop. I'm sorry. I got carried away." He apologized and our eyes met. Next thing I know, Ray leans in and kisses me. I don't back away, cause it feels right. His tounge begs for entrance and I let in. His hands travel to my waist and grips both sides. I moan as the kiss gets more intense. Ray bites my bottom lip and we have a tounge war. Ray breaks the kiss and we stare at each other as to say what do we do next.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Bye Ray." I say as I go to the door and walk out.


Damn, what just happened. Nique and I kissed. I sighed as I put both hands on my head and went upstairs. What a life I have.

Zonnique Home

Nique POV

I closed the front door of the house and went to the couch. Usually, I would go to my room, but I needed to think about what me and Ray just did. I felt speechless to what happened at his house.

I took a shower and ate some strawberry ice cream. I watched Madea goes to jail, which was hells funny. But I got emotional at the.parts when Joshua cared for Candace so much that he was in love with her. I don't know why though. I sighed and turned off my T.V. and went to bed. Another day ahead of me.

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