c. iii

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"No, I don't mind. I know that I don't necessarily like people and being surrounded by a crowd gives me a bit of anxiety sometimes, but I honestly don't mind being here with you. Sure, I enjoy our time alone together a lot more, but I don't mind being here with you now. Because, if I'm being truthful, I'd rather be with you in a room full of people than not be with you at all, and I'd gladly deal with the crowds so long as we are together."

They were both very glad that they didn't have to go very far for this event. It was being held at the hotel where they were staying which was very convenient. They had managed to get away unnoticed by the crowd and took this as their opportunity to head out.

"I know, I just also know how much you don't like going to parties and stuff. It's not your style, I know. And I'm sorry that we have to go to so many of them. I'm sorry."

She shook her head with a smile evident on her face. "Honestly Tom, I love going to these parties only because I'm with you. I can't stand people, really, and I can't deal with not being able to hear you very well over the music, or just the noise of all the people, but I always have such a good time with you and your friends and I just don't mind it as much as I would if I didn't have you with me. You don't need to apologize. I get it. This comes with the job, and it's something that I can't hold against you because you have to make these appearances. I understand, so please don't feel like you need to apologize."

"I know, but I feel like I should anyway since I know that you don't like it."

"Well, I truly don't mind it Tom, but if I'm completely honest with you, I do enjoy times like these better when it's just you and me, hanging out. Away from everyone and everything."

"Mhm," he agreed.

"You know what I want to do actually," she spoke softly at first.

"What," he asked with curiosity. He would do it. Whatever she wanted. He wanted her to be happy.

"I don't think you'll be allowed, but I want to get into the car and just drive. I want to drive and drive until we are very, very far from civilization. I want to drive until we're in the middle of nowhere, to a place where we wouldn't even get a radio station in range. A place where we could actually see the stars rather than just this. Seeing city lights all the time gets old."

"That would be nice." Tom imagined what it would be like to have that time alone with her. No worries of anyone seeing them, or interrupting them.

"Wouldn't it," she nodded in agreement. "Let's just go. Let's get out of here. We've got our bags packed. We could go. We'll tell them were going to go for a quick errand or I don't know. We can think of a good alibi and we can go. If we leave now, we can be gone long before they realize that we're not coming back for a while."

"We don't know the area," he said while seriously considering what she was suggesting. He didn't need to be around. He wasn't scheduled for any appearances, at least none that he knew of aside for one in a week's time. They would be back by then. And he knew that he could count on Harrison to give them a really, great alibi.

"Who cares! Let's get lost," she smiled. "Properly lost. It'll be an adventure and really, that's the best way to discover things. I wouldn't mind getting lost with you. At least I'll have good company."

"True, but they'll notice we're gone. We won't get very far."

She shook her head while biting her bottom lip. "If we leave right now, we can be long gone before anyone notices a thing. We'll leave them a note and we'll be back by the time you're needed! We can cover our tracks and just blend in. We've done it before, we can do it again. I just want to get out of here. With you."

"Well, where do you want to go, darling?"

"With you? Anywhere. Everywhere." She smiled widely again. She seemed to do that a lot when she was around Tom. "Umm, how about somewhere where they won't find us, where we can't be caught and brought straight back. The middle of nowhere. I don't care, really; let's just get out of here!"

"The middle of nowhere," he questioned.

"Yeah, we could hang out just the two of us in the middle of nowhere."

"What would we even do?"

"We'll find a way to make the time pass babe. We can dance. We can talk. We can lay under the stars. We can do other things," she winked towards him. "We can do anything."

"How would we dance if you said you wanted to go so far that there wouldn't even be a radio station,"

"So, we'll dance to the static of the radio, or to music on our phones assuming we don't turn them off, which we probably should, or to nothing at all. We don't need music! We can just dance. I'll dance to the rhythm of your heartbeat if I have to,"

"You're cute." He smiled fondly at her as she blushed at the comment with a smile of her own.

"We won't need music. You'll just pull me close and we'll dance. And we'll kiss slowly. And we won't even have to talk, we'll just know what we're trying to say to one another at that moment. You'll take my breath away just like you always do. And it'll just be you and me. An intimate, romantic moment between just the two of us. It'll be amazing."

"Well, what are we waiting for then?"

"Really?" She smiled excitedly.

"Yes," he nodded. "Let's go."

"I love you," she exclaimed. "So much Tom. You have no idea."

"And I love you. So much."

And so, they set out to the middle of nowhere. They left a note letting everyone know they'd be fine and that they weren't taken or anything. It mentioned that they shouldn't worry. That they'd be back soon. They merely wanted a day to themselves. They'd be safe. They wouldn't get caught out and make a scandal in the press. They had everything under control. They would not mess everything up. That was a promise.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2017 ⏰

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