Chapter 11 - Brother

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I run over to him, he ignores my presence, howling, after batting an eye at me and Flynn who rushed out of the hall to him, Dustin started sniffing, picking up a scent he ran off.

Oh no you don't. I rush after him, obviously something is wrong, and if i strutted back into the hall like nothing ever happened, i have already lost my hat and my identity was revealed.

he finally stops, as a Templar holds the gun to Dustin's head. until i got close i realized who it was. my father.

"Shut up, mut!" He yelled i pointed my gun at him, he noticed me and Flynn there the second i held up the gun. it wasn't like i was going to shoot him.

I couldn't.

He looks at me, he puts his gun away and rips mine from my hands calmly. He then throws it on the ground, I'm still shocked from his presence.

as he starts to walk away i call out, "Father!", or so i thought it came from me, as it came from a young boy who ran out of the corner, he looks a lot like me and my father, like a mix of my father- but not my mother...

I stand confused.

"Aria, meet your half-brother, Alan. Alan, meet Aria, your half-sister, now scurry off." He said, and with that my father and Alan moved out.

Alan was a Templar.

he was about 5 years old at least and he is already in a Templar outfit. in a way, i was jealous. no scolding, no yelling just a calm shaming look he gave me.


Her arms tugged around my small waist.

he breath pressuring down on my face, as she whispered i love you to me.

"I love you, now, you better be off to bed." She softly whispered, "You have a big day tomorrow." She smiled, i smiled back, tomorrow was my seventh birthday, I ran upstairs into my room, maybe if i go to sleep early, i will wake up early to get presents even earlier! I tuck myself in and stare at the ceiling, i was too excited to sleep.

I started to play with my long sandy brown hair, until i found myself as a six year old chewing on a string of hair, i heard yelling. like every night my parents would scream, my mother was the loudest, but on some occasions my father would scream back, only rarely. and this time he did, but more aggressively, i listen in, hard to not.

"She is not being one of you!" Mother screamed.

"Its her duty, Marlee." He replied, frustration was about to burst, as his voice was trembling, about to break out.

"putting Aria on the line like that, risking her life so you can hide away in the shadows! do you have no feelings for family!?" She yelled back, "I'm packing my shit and going! and im taking her with me!" She yelled back, I pull the blanket higher, over my mouth, reaching my nose, i curled up the front and hugged it tight, is she really leaving?

"Marlee. Marlee, Marlee!" he started off in a bit of a whimper, then trembled in his voice and then boomed. "Marlee!!" He yelled, a huge sound of a crash was hear, this has never happened before, I squeeze onto my blanket, pushing it all the way over my face, as i hear a scream and another crash.

I then heard something plunge down, making a disturbing noise like cutting through a cake.

The next morning i woke up, excited for the day, but i bit of fear preached as i remembered last night. did someone get hurt?

I see father on the couch. his head in his hands buried in shame and regret.

"Daddy...?" I ask, he looks over, revealing his soaking face. he put on a fake smile.

"Hello sweetheart! Happy birthday!" He half whimpered-half smiled.

"Where is mummy?" I tilt my head.

"She went on a trip, sweetie." He said, looking down.

"Is she coming back?" I ask, "Is she coming back? Is she coming back-"


I plunge myself up, out of my bed, scrambling onto air, heavy breathing. Flynn runs in.

"Aria!" He yells, alarmed, i try to control my breathing and calm my mind.

"Im fine." I tremble, almost about to faint from my dream, more of a flashback.

He puts his hand on my cheek, wiping away a tear, this would of been comforting if i wasn't so shocked. "No your not." he replies.

"Just- a bad nightmare..." I reply, he nods and takes his hand off my cheek, I finally calmed my mind completely and rubbed my eyes to adjust, as i felt heat along my arm, i look over and Flynn is sitting too close for comfort. but i liked it.

"Aria..." He looks down, blushing.

"Y-yes?" I asked confused, but really, i think i know what he is about to do, but he didn't kiss me right away.

He placed his hand on my thigh, I start to shake, i haven't had anyone touch my like this... i liked it i will admit, and i like him i will also admit but, love would crush me now-

My thoughts shut down as his lips brushed over mine, i thought that was the end but it kept going, after a few moments of shock i kissed back, he finally ended and got up, and winked on his way out of my room, I sit confused, dazed, and- i don't know...

No Aria, you know what love does, besides, you'd be a horrible mother-

eww... Aria stop thinking of that. now. okay... i got a grip, I fall for boys so out of my league sometimes, yes, but i don't think i really felt actually anything, maybe just liked the idea.

I shrugged it off, i hope this goes well, i take a deep breath, hoping Flynn inst outside of the room, Flynn let me crash at his house since the brotherhood kicked me out of the little cabin for new people reasons, until i can get a house I'm allowed here.

I get up and walk to the kitchen, I see Dustin sitting on a leash tied to the table, he is eating meat contently, i roll my eyes and walk over, undoing the leash and collar, maybe tieng a bit of rope around one of his legs as a leg band to know its him, "Your not a dog" I whisper to him, brushing my hand through the short hair on his head.

I get up and walk to the fridge, grabbing a wrapped up pie, taking it to the dining table for two people set up with two chairs, i stared to eat, Dustin was done eating beef and saw what i was eating, if it was food, he wanted it, i jumped onto the other seat, sitting down on it with this tail and legs wrapped around him, i nearly choked on my food from laughing, i had to give him it, that was too funny. I rip off a quarter, the meat oozing from within it, passing it in front of him, he awkwardly, tried to pick it up and threw it off the table, then himself, he was happy on the floor eating the small chunk of the pie.

(A/N: Anyone else's dog sit on chairs? no? okay, well its goddamn funny.)

Flynn walks in and i look directly at my pie, luckily he ignores me. I feel awkward around him now, i don't want to act impolite and get kicked out, I don't want to reject him by accident- i will get comfortable later, right now I'm focusing on getting out of the house.

I ride out, Dustin inside the house, i swear its like Dustin was once tamed, he acts domestic.

I ride past a few desperate signs, the town is covered in them, i jump off my horse and look at the wanted poster, and the lucky winner is.... Ned Kelly, for murder, robbery and theft. Welp, i just noticed i sat down with a bunch of murderers.

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