Chapter 18 - Seeing red

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Flynn clenched my hand, "I refuse to let this be our last moment. dont you worry, my love." He smiled, followed my a quick peck.

I smiled back. Dustin ran over to my side, i got down to my knees and gave himd a good scratch before getting back up.

"distract the guards with Dustin, i will find my father." I replied, he nodded.

 Flynn whistled to Dustin and they ran in, with me following them.

Almost immediatly Flynn and Dustin got into a fight with two guards, ijoined in fighting. I saw my father in the distance take a turn. I patted Flynn's shoulder, giving him a nod before i ran off.

I pushed past the guards, they tried to stop me before flynn's throwing knife greeted them.

I kept running past all of them, running up stairs, feeling Flynn's presence and Dustin behind me.

we got outside of the room where my father was, Flynn, Dustin and I were fighting the guards outside the room until i pushed past them, i walked in cautiously, my father wasnt there... alsmost immediatlythe door slammed closed, i ran back over to it and slammed on the door.

"Flynn! Dustin!"  I yelled

"Aria!" Flynn shouted, as i heard more guards, and a whimper from Dustin

"Daughter." A familiar voice called.

I paused, almost paralyzed... "Alice... Oscar... My mother..." I mumbled, "they're all..." I almost shed a tear, I turned around. "Dead!" I exclaimed, lunging at my father with a hidden blade, He countered and threw me into a wall, i caught myself before i fell. I heard his footsteps rushing just in time, I turned around and dodged.

"I protected you!  I raised you! this is how you repay me!?" He spat

"You dragged me into something i didnt want to, you killed whoever stood in your way! You made the assassins think your dead, so that they would take it out on me! you asshole!" I yelled, lunging at him again, he grabbed my neck and pinned me to the wall.

"I created a world for you! A wealthy one! money, power, order!" He spat, "If it wasnt for me, you would be in poverty!" He shouted at me, his spit shredded on my face.

"You killed my mother!" I tried to shout through his grip.

"You assassins killed my sister! my son!" His voice trmebling.

I gasped for air as i felt myself slip away, i felt light, i was getting lightheaded until i hear a yell of agony, the force dropped on my neck and  i saw flynn and Dstin covered in blood, with the doors open behind them.

I tried to yell but nothing came out. My father lunged at Flynn, slicing him in the arm, Flynn fell back, Flynn used his other arm to stab my father's stomach, but missed and stabbed his hand. My father cradled his hand before Dustin ripped at his leg, He grabbed Dustin's neck and threw him out of the room, my  father limped to Flynn and stabbed him in the heart, Flynn fell back and dropped to the floor. blood everywhere, i used every scarp of energy to get up, i limped to my father, he cradled his hand again, trying to sooth the pain.

I limped up behind him and pulled out my dagger before plunging it into my father's neck.

I dropped to my knees, as he fell.

I didnt say anything, i couldnt. my gaze was fixed onto Flynn's body...

"My dearest..." He coughed blood, "Im- i regret killing your mother, i did love her. She wasnt supposed to hear my plans for you, i was drunk..." He pulled something from his pocket and grabbed my arm, i had no energy to snatch it away, he put something in my hand, as he coughed again.

"Rest in peace, may god spit on you." I half sobbed, placing my finers on his head and pulling them back to close his eyes.

I looked in my hand to see a templar neclace... I clenched onto it and sobbed, everything i knew... everyone i know...


I placed my head in my hands, as i hyperventalated, out of control. my elbows on my knees as i sat on a small step.

I felt something warm cuddle up and rest its head on my lap. I look over, seeing Dustin cuddle up with me.

in stead of crying heavily, it was lighter now, i pet Dustin as i let it out.

"Aria..." Someone coughed. i stopped, turning my head to see Flynn. my heart lifted, i felt a smile grow.

Flynn sat next to me. pulling his arm around me and kissing me.


(So my friend sugested to end off the book i should write a smut for all the people who like that, for some reason i can write smuts naturally apparantly to my friend.)

We got home, and Dustin found his spot on the couch. Flynn was busy patting Dustin as i went to go into the shower to wash off the blood.

I was more than happy to see Flynn back, but i felt loss as i remember my father.

I was fully bare as i was in the shower, the door flung and i froze. I saw Flynn standing there.

"Stop staring and go!" I shouted at him. he didnt move.

a smirk appeared on his face. " well you dont have blood on you anymore"

"so?"  I replied, feeling myself loosen.

"so?" He replied, walked closer. I stopped, i knew what he was talking about.

"Flynn, i hae never-" 

"Then ry!" He protested. I sighed as a smirk appeared on my face, i turned off the shower still covering myself with the towel. He saw my face blushing heavily.


He threw me onto the bed gently, as i laughed, he leaned over me. He screwed his head down onto my breasts, my face was on fire as he suckled, it felt so weird but so right.

"Just hurry up!" i moaned

He pushed me up the bed, pushing himself in as we both panted like dogs. my hips arched up as he pushed them back onto the bed, the desire burned. i moaned as he was burried in me. 

(short smut, im too shy to write more... I think i did a sloppy job.)


"GAH!" Amanda pulled herself from the animus.

"What is it?" The ginger man asked.

"Ew, you should check the memories before you put me in them!" Amanda scholded.


Yes that was a teaser for the next book, I hope you enjoyed!!!

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