Chapter 15 - Lies

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"Very well." They said, moving out of the way.

I took Mary's arm and brought her around the corner, I saw a templar mark on the guard's neck, tattooed.

"Miss Galliks?" I asked

"Wait- you look very f-familiar but-"

"I know," I said, Flynn is staring at the door, weirdo. "I'm Aria Elle Martin," I replied, Flynn looked over at me in shock, he knows I'm a Martin-

"Excuse me, I overheard you say your Aria Martin?" The guard walked around the corner, Flynn was panicking judging by his face.  I flushed my hair more over my hod to hide it.

"Um, yes," I replied confidently.

"Well, I am so sorry miss but you have betrayed the order." He said, pulling out a sword. Fuck.

"Sorry" I whispered to Miss Gallik's before punching her in the head, knocking her out cold. I nodded over at Flynn and he pulled out his blade, pulling on his hood quickly.

The guard protected the door, Flynn lunged at him with a knife, the guard stepped out of the way which I took the opportunity to run with Gallik's unconscious body.

The body held me back, I was nearly at the gate when guards surrounded me. I whistled as loudly as I could, no reply the first time, but the second time I whistled Dustin ran in, biting one's neck, one pulled a gun on Dustin, I dropped Galliks on the ground and pulled out a gun, shooting the man pointing his at the dingo.

I picked miss Galliks up and ran as fast as I could, I opened the carriage quickly and threw her in, I turned around and ran as fast as I could, clenching my eyes closed. My head hit someone and I immediately fell back, I opened my eyes to see Flynn. He holds out one hand for me to grab and his other rubbing his head while laughing.

"Next time watch out" He laughed. Dustin limped over, I picked him up worriedly. I put him in the back of the carriage and got in the front with Flynn. I started the Carriage.

"We could make a nice little family" Flynn smiled at me. I paused. the horse led itself my face flushed a bit red before shaking my head.

"W-what?" I ask

"Well, you could be my wife, I will be your husband and we can have 3 children and we have a dog, Dustin" He laughed, the joke was not funny to me at all.

"Do you even know how babies are even made-" I asked

"Ew stop" He scrunched his face. His reaction was hilarious I couldn't help but laugh.

After half an hour we finally got home, I was starting to worry if I hit Ms. Galliks too hard. We get out and while Flynn dusts himself off I open the door to see Ms. Galliks sitting there not impressed. She tapped her foot impatiently.

"Young lady explain yourself!" She snapped

"Uh. sorry miss, come on" I apologized lending my hand to help her out. She wraps her fingers around my hand and steps lightly out of the carriage. I then dropped her hand quiet rudely once she got out. She followed me inside, treading lightly on the dust on the ground outside Flynn's house. I opened the door for myself and left it, and by accident, it hit Ms. Galliks, I started to giggle when Flynn elbowed me.

"Do you ever clean up around here?" She asks dusting off a spot on the chair before sitting down.

"No not really" I laughed, again receiving an elbow to the arm from Flynn.

"Anyway, Miss Martin what is going on?" She asked

"So we need you to politely tell me the location of my father." I smiled

"Are you kidding me?!"  She scowled, my face dropped from a smile. "Your- you're an assassin! A disgrace to your very name!" She nagged, why are old ladies always like this?

"Look you need to tell me," I asked more demandingly

"I cannot tell a filthy assassin as yourself." She spat.

"Oh well," I said, I nodded over to Flynn, he got the message and locked the doors. I pulled out my hidden blade as much as I felt guilty using it and placed it lightly in front of Ms. Gallik's neck.

"Tell me a location and time, miss." I purposely spat in her face.

She wiped off the specs of spit, "The palace in 9 days" A mischevious smirk roughly sat on her face. I had to trust her.

"Well I guess its time for you to depart," I said taking the blade back in.

" Are you insane woman?!" I turned around to see Flynn rudely protesting from the kitchen, he walked out of the kitchen and up to me, "That skank will run right back to the templars" He spat.

"True True." I agreed, "Then make yourself at home Ms. Galliks!" I yelled across to the old woman. She sat poshly while crossing her arms.

"And in nine days Ned Kelly is getting hanged." Flynn reminded me. Dammit.

"Any other times?!" I look back over.

"Not that I know of" She smirked.

"Time?"  I ask.

" 3 pm" She politely smiled. I didn't trust her but I need to, this is the only source. I should have killed my father at the hospital. I guess it was just a feeling, of losing everyone in a way. When Allan was on his deathbed, I felt sympathy. And a lot of it. It's just I have lost so much, Alice, Oscar, My Mother, My Father. Well in a way. and the worst part is my life is a living reminder. my memories. all are a reminder of my failures. And he was failing too.

But I've had so much taken from me I am forced to feel vengeance. Even if it means ending whatever life I had before this.



I think I have writer's block! (Writer's block is when so much inspiration is flowing but you cant write it, or no inspiration is flowing and you want to write something badly)

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