Chapter 3 - Morning After

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The next morning I wanted to get up and used the bathroom like every morning, but when I tried to get up, nothing worked. My body wouldn't move any further, my hand being pulled back. I was confused at first, but when I turned around I saw the reason why and remembered what happened yesterday. I was handcuffed to Cameron, still...

I started shaking him. "What?" He groaned, still asleep. "I need to use the bathroom" I told him. "Then go!" He complained. "I can't" I said and lifted my hand "Remember" I said, shaking it. "Right" He said and rubbed his eyes. "Let's go, please!" I whined, causing him to finally get up. I pulled him to the bathroom and used the toilet.

I then quickly washed my hands and dried them. "Can I go back to bed now?" Cameron asked annoyed "It's the only day I can sleep in" "Yes, but let me get my tablet first. At least I can entertain myself that way, while I'm stuck in bed with you" I said and went to my desk and looked through the drawers, since I can't remember which one I put it in. Once I finally had it, I grabbed the charger as well and plugged it in. Cameron went back to sleep and I watched a few episodes of my favorite show until that got boring and I switched to movies.

"You actually like that?" He asked, referring to the movie I was currently watching. "Why wouldn't I?" I asked him confused. "Come on, just look at the plot!" He complained. "What's wrong with the plot?" I asked confused. "A girl who meets a boy and her life changes for the perfect. Not really believable" He said. "It's called a Fantasy! Her life doesn't become perfect over night! Her life becomes perfect because some mystical creature makes it perfect" I explained as a full blood fan of the movie and the book series.

"Still sounds unbelievable" He complained, but kept his eyes on the display. "Then why do you watch it, more importantly, why do you know what happens in the movie, when you don't like it?" "Because Amira made me watch it over and over again" He said. "Right, your Instagram famous girlfriend" I commented. I didn't know why, but I didn't like her much. I never really did and being handcuffed to her boyfriend, made me like her even less. "Why do you say it like that?" He asked defensive. He was such a sweetheart. "I mean, she is famous for absolutely nothing. Some Viner uploaded a photo of hers, asking who she is. Not really something you can be proud of" I said. "So you are saying she isn't talented?" He asked.

"I'm not saying that, but yeah. When she's old and grey, what will she look back at? She will see a teenage girl that spent most of her life on the internet, sharing photos of herself like every other teenager with an account does. Okay, maybe she is considered pretty, but that shouldn't  get you fame" I said. "So I did nothing either to get fame?" He asked. "No, you're an actor. You worked for your fame" I said. "And how is it different?" He asked me. "Because it is! You are working your butt off, while she is taking photos of herself for living" I said. "But she is also modeling" He kept defending her, although he didn't stop me while I was talking bad about her.

"So, back to your boyfriend topic" He said and I rolled my eyes. "Please no. I don't really want to talk to you about him" I told him, but he didn't care. He didn't let go until I told him everything about him. "Fine, his name is Ryan. Ryan Paulson. He's a football player of the varsity team and no, he's not the quarterback" I told him. "Ryan Paulson. The name sounds weird" He said. "Yeah, like Cameron Beck is such a normal name" I defended Ryan. "And I guess it's the cliché high school experience to fall in love with the football player" He said. "No, it's a typical high school cliché to fall for the quarterback, but not at this school. No girl ever has a chance with him" I said. "Is he endlessly in love with someone else?" He asked. "Yeah, with his boyfriend" I told him. "Interesting" He said, probably not knowing how to react to that.

"How often did you watch Brave Moon with Ryan?" He asked. "Not once. We didn't go on a date yet" I said. "Wow.. But he asked you?" He asked and I nod "Yes, he did. He did ask me, but it we didn't find the right time yet" I told him. "I hate to be the one to tell you, but I don't think  he likes you that much. The day I first saw Amira, I immediately asked her out. I thought she was pretty and boom, first date and afterwards she was my girlfriend" He said. "Well, not everyone is Cameron Beck" I said, causing him to nod "You're right there. Not everyone can pull off the perfectness that is me" He said and I hit him playfully. "Ouch, that hurts!" He said laughing. "Didn't you want to sleep?" I asked him confused after a while. "I did, but I can't. I need to pee" He said.

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