Chapter 5 - ER um No

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Unfortunately we arrived at St. John's Hospital just a short time later. Cameron forced me to get out of the car and pulled me inside the stupid hospital. Of course people were staring at us, which made me feel uncomfortable. I guess it's not a normal thing to sit here like this.

We waited for a while, more eyes were on us and I had no idea if it was because of Cameron Beck and radio host sitting with me or the handcuffs around mine and Cameron's wrist. "I feel like I'm in a circus" I said, while Cameron was only able to laugh. This must be normal to him. "Maxine Peyton" One of the nurses said loudly, freeing me from my misery. I got up and so did Cameron. "I'll just wait here" Radio host said as we walked into the room where the doctor was waiting. "Miss Peyton, what is the problem?" He asked and first noticed the handcuffs. "Okay, I see" He said before I could even say anything.

"Not the problem" I quickly said "My sister is a prankster and those are police cuffs, so no need to try" I said. "What else is the problem then?" He asked confused. "She fell off a bar stool and onto her arm" Cameron said. "Did you take any medication?" "One painkiller" I answered. "Okay, let me take a look at it" He said and started examine my arm.

"Cam, what's the radio hosts name? I never caught it" I asked him. "Jacob Salaman" He said and I nod understanding "I felt awful not knowing his name while he was so kind to me" I said. "Jacob Salaman? I was listing to his show on my break. The Cameron Beck interview. It was funny, the situation with the girl" The nurse said. "Wasn't that funny for me" I said. "That was you..." She said, coming to realization" I'm so sorry Miss" She apologized.

After he was done, he told us to wait in the waiting room, so he could do a x-ray. "Hey, thanks by the way" I said, sitting down to Jacob. "Max?" Cameron asked, causing me to look at him annoyed again "What?" "I want to sit down as well, but I can't when you sit down on that chair" He said. "Excuse me, I'm in a conversation here" I said to him and looked back at Jacob "No problem. Maxine was it?" He asked. "Max. Just Max" I said with a smile. "No problem Max" He said. Cameron was still standing in front of us, waiting for me to move. Jacob got up and sat down on the chair on my other side, making room for Cameron. He said down, but I kept my attention on Jacob.

"Say, can I ask you something?" I asked him curious. "Already did, didn't you?" He said, making me laugh. "How old are you?" "I'm 22" He said, causing me to laugh. I didn't know why, but I had this one song stuck in my head, singing it on repeat in my head.

"I know what you are thinking!" He said and I shook my head "No, you don't!" "And no, I'm not feeling 22, I'm feeling so much younger now" He said, causing me to laugh even harder "You're doing this on purpose!" I said. "I'm not, I promise you" "Yeah, those references come naturally to you" I said. "Everything comes naturally" He said. "Stop it now" I said. "What if I don't?" He asked teasing me.

"Excuse me, can you sign my cast?" A younger girl suddenly asked Cameron, drawing my attention over to him. "Of course" He said and took a permanent marker that he just happened to carry around with him and signed it. "Thank you so much Cameron Beck" She said and hugged him.

"What is that on your arm?" She asked. "My cousin thought it was funny to prank me and her sister" He said the half-true. "Are you here because of that?" She asked. "No, these things only open with the key, which we don't have" Cameron told her. "Maxine Peyton" A nurse yelled, causing me to get up and pull Cameron away from his conversation. "Seriously? You can have a conversation and I don't?" Cameron asked upset. "You can, but not when they are ready for my x-ray" I said, pointing towards the waiting nurse.

They prepared me for the x-ray and Cameron got one of those vests as well. Just a few seconds later the machine took the pictures it needed and the nurse came back in and took the vests from us. "You may wait outside until we call you in" She said and I nod understanding, going back to my chair next to Jacob. Suddenly Cameron's phone rang and he answered it almost immediately.

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