Chapter 3

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hope you guys are liking it! In this chapter we start to see some of Eric's life! YAY! Hope you like it!

Chapter 3


I grinned as I finished unpacking the final box, I was finally here. New city. New apartment and in 5 months I’ll be starting university to major in biology. I grinned as I looked around at the studio apartment. It was open and spacious and was just PERFECT! I couldn’t wipe the smile from my face. I was here, I’M FINALLY HERE!! I sprawled myself out on my new three person couch as I picked up my laptop and sat it on my stomach, the last time I talked to him was over a week ago, before I left, I hope he’s available.

I quickly turned on my new WiFi and opened up messenger.

Chelsea: Hey, sorry haven’t been able to talk lately, I only just finished unpacking.

I waited patiently and a few seconds later I got a reply.

Eric: She’s alive!!! Who would have known!! :P Just joking, I knew you were busy. So have I, Louis and I just finished moving into our new apartment yesterday. So, how’s the new place?

Chelsea: It’s amazing! Loving the city already! It’s a studio apartment and it’s all mine!!!!!

Eric: lol, you seem to be having fun then.

Chelsea: I am! So I take it having to move with Louis was a bit annoying?

Eric: Don’t get me started! He can be like a toddler some days, it should have only taken us two days to move from our old flat to this one but no, it took us three and another two just to unpack! I’m pretty sure he has some sort of attention disorder. Either that or he’s just lazy.

I smiled at his message, Louis was his best friend and can be a handful some times, but even though he pushes Eric to his limits some times, he wouldn’t be able to live without him.

Chelsea: Probably just lazy :)

Eric: Probably. I’ve got to head out now, talk later?

Chelsea: Sure, bye, love u!

Eric: Love u 2. xo

I closed my laptop and let out a happy sigh. I’m going to have so much fun!

Eric’s POV

A small smile stayed on my lips as I closed my laptop and walked out of my new room.

“You ready mate?” Louis asked as he picked up his wallet and shoved it in his pocket.

Louis was my best friend, we’ve been friends since kindergarten. He’s studying child development as his major while I’m majoring in Physics. He’s got dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes and is a foot and a half shorter than me, and has a bulky build, total opposite from me.

Because my mind was still on my gorgeous girl I didn’t hear him until he was clicking in front of my face. “Earth to Eric!”

“Yeah, sorry, I was just thinking…”

A smirk slid onto his lips, “Let me guess, you were thinking about you’re online girl.”

“Sod off.” I said as I shoved him playfully. Sliding my phone and wallet into my pockets, “We going or what?”

“Sure. Let’s go.” He was silent for a moment before he gave me a rough shove before bolting out the door, “Lover boy!” He mocked as he ran off.

“You’re so asking for it!” I shouted as I ran after him.

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