Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Ok…. Ok… OH MY GOD! He’s going to be here, in less than an hour!! I squealed with joy as I bounced around my apartment, fixing up a few things. I CAN’T BELIEVE HE’S GOING TO BE HERE!! – Oh… my… god… oh no… what if we don’t work? What if something bad happens? WHAT IF THIS IS ALL RUINED!? Calm. Calm down. Calm.

I took a few deep breaths before grabbing my keys and bag – I can’t wait!

As the cab glided down the highway I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face as I thought back to when I told Carly.

“Ha-ha. That’s very funny.” Sarcasm rolled off her with ease as she went to turn on the TV. I stopped her.

“I’m not joking. He’s coming here! In two days!”

“No. Chelsea. Just No! You can’t be serious?!”

“What’s wrong with it?” I asked with worry.

“I… I mean… I think it’s…” Carly let out a small sigh as her lips curled up the slightest bit, “Nothing. I’m just protective of you.”

I smiled a big girly teethe smile and hugged her, “I know. You’re the best best friend I could ever ask for. So all I’m asking is, leave us for a week to get him ‘settled’”

Carly grinned a cheeky grin, “Sure thing, but – I swear, if he hurts you I’ll kill him – also I better meet him before he leaves.”



Eric’s POV

I walked off the plane. I had freshened up in the plane bathroom half an hour before we landed, made sure I’m fresh and awake for her. I can’t believe I’m here... I CAN’T BELIEVE I’M HERE! I grabbed my bags off the tracks and slung my duffle over my shoulder and rolled my suitcase behind me. I breezed through security and my passport stamped. The escalators seemed to be going agonisingly slow. I can feel my heart hammering in my chest; I can hear my pulse in my head… she’s going to be through those doors. I’m going to finally see her. Feel her. Be with her. I’m going to get to kiss the girl I love for the first time.

Chelsea’s POV

I stood amongst a small crowd, waiting for their friends or loved ones; I watched each door, waiting to see him. What if he never got on the pane… the thought sunk in as I watched people pour out of the doors but I couldn’t see him. I moved through the crowd trying to see if I missed him. Where is he? The crowd was dispersing and then I saw him. He was standing at the edge of the doors. A brown duffle bag slung over his shoulder, a denim suitcase standing next to him. A blue flannelette button up shirt hugged his chest, the arms scrunched up to his elbows; denim blue jeans hugged his long legs. His hair was ruffled. His eyes scanned the room. He was taller than I thought but what can you tell from Skype? His eyes locked with mine. My heart skipped a beat. My mouth dried up. My stomach filled with butterflies. Everything around us faded away. I didn’t realise it, my feet were walking towards him of their own accord. He dropped his bag and started towards me. We were at each other in a matter of minutes. It seemed like timed slowed down. The moment his fingers touched my hips a fire was lit inside me, a fire that will never die down. His arms fit in the curve of my waist and hands pressed against my back. His chest pressed against mine.

This was the first moment I felt him and I would never forget it.

My hands fit perfectly around behind his neck and pressed against his back. My head in his neck, his in mine. He smelled of cinnamon and soap. It was a combination you wouldn’t think would work but it did. Our bodies together in a tight hold as my feet were lifted off the ground and I was spun around. It felt like forever but it wasn’t and that’s what was amazing. He stopped spinning. My head lifted up as he did the same. Our eyes locked again chocolate eyes on sea blue. They had a small sparkle. His teeth were mostly straight, a few gaps on the side ones but it just made his crooked smile even cuter and more lovable. He was smiling a huge smile, as was I. My eyes ran over every inch of his feature. The smallest golden tinge to his brown hair. The way his brown eyes actually had this tiny little flex of green on the inner edge. The way his lips curved slightly inward as he smiled. He’s perfection.

He slowly started to lower me back down again. My tip of my toes hit the ground first before the rest of my foot. But he still stayed with his arms around me, my hand resting on his chest. He really is a far bit taller than me. But I don’t care.

He’s here.

His smile only dipped the slightest bit as he bit his bottom lip, his eyes gazing over my face before landing at my own lips. One hand slowly ran up my side and brushed my hair behind my ear, his thumb running over my cheek before cupping the back of my neck ever so softly. My breath hitched once again. I could feel his heart hammering under my fingertips and I’m sure he could hear mine as well. Both our breath hitched and then...

Eric’s POV

I walked out the door and was confronted with a small crowd of people so I quickly moved to the side and started looking for her. My eyes scanning the entire room. Where is she? I saw the slightest movement of golden blond hair in the crowd and tried to follow it. The crowd dispersed a little so I kept looking for her.

There. Right There. My eyes caught hers. She was already smiling. Oh god, she’s even more beautiful in real life. A small pink sundress hugged her perfectly curved body and reached to her knees in a blowy skirt. She was shorter than I realised. But what do you expect from Skype?

My heart skipped a beat. My breath hitched. I could feel my heart hammering in my chest; I could hear my thundering pulse. Butterflies erupting in my stomach.

She started toward me and I did the same towards her. Nothing else mattered. It was just us. My hands and arms fit her perfectly. Her fingertips touched my shirt covered chest and my body was lit on fire, a fire that will never be extinguished. Her arms wrapped perfectly up and behind my neck, hands pressed against the top of my back. My head buried in her neck and hair as hers did the same. Apple. That was the first thing I noticed. Sweet Apples and Lemon soap. A combination you wouldn’t think would work but it did. I had lifted her up, holding her body against me as I spun around with joy. Absorbing this exact moment. I stopped spinning and lifted my head. My gaze met hers. The first thing I noticed was her gorgeous sparkly blue eyes. Eyes that will express her every emotion. I loved them. He smile with a curved in bottom lip and beautiful teeth. I never noticed before she has the slightest, tiniest dimple on her left cheek. Her hair framed her face beautifully. I wanted to run my hands through it. She is perfection.

I bit my bottom lip slightly as I slowly lowered her to her feet. Her hands rested on my chest, she could surely feel my heart hammering in my chest. My hand slowly ran up her side. Making sure my fingers touched as much of her as I could get. Her hair was so soft as I brushed it behind her ear. My thumb running over the soft skin of her cheek before gently cupping the back of her neck. Both our breaths hitched and then…

mwhaha! did you like it?! remember to comment and vote!! :D 

P.S. the next chapter will have it's own special title. It will be called "The Kiss." 

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