Valentine's Day (Vic Fuentes)

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Stella mutters furiously to herself as she climbs the stairs to her rundown apartment, kicking each concrete step with as she went, fuming as she replays the day's events in her head.

She'd woken up that morning, thinking it was just a normal day. But when Stella had arrived at work, she had found the place decorated with pink and red balloons floated about in the light breeze, and a large sign advertising the shop's Valentines' Day sale to potential customers. She checked her phone as she trudged behind the counter, and found that her boyfriend, Vic, hadn't even sent her an 'I love you' that morning. Stella sighed. She knew Vic was busy, being on tour and everything, but really, how long did it take to type a three word text? He was probably having so much fun, he hadn't even thought of her.

"Oh! Stella! There you are!" one of her colleagues, Amanda, called to her, "We were just about to open up!"

Stella looked up at the girl and frowned, observing the many cards, bunches of flowers and boxes of chocolates that she was holding, "What's all that in your hands?"

"Oh, just a bunch of random shit from my desperate admirers," Amanda smirked, "I'll chuck out the flowers and cards – they're useless – and keep the chocolate."

Stella's face creased into an expression of disgust, "Wow, rude much?! Someone went to all the trouble to get you something for your birthday, and you throw it away?!  Do everyone a favour, and learn to respect the efforts of people around you!"

The girl looked shocked for a moment, before her eyebrows drew into an intense glower, "Well, look who's sour! Guess Vic forgot to get you something for Valentine's Day. You mustn't mean very much to him, then, if he forgot about insignificant little you. And I guess you just can't handle anyone else being shown love. So how about you stop being a selfish cow."

"Shut don't know what you're talking about..." Stella said half-heartedly, through gritted teeth, her fists clenched at her sides.

"Oh no," Amanda said smugly, "I think I hit the nail right on the head."

"Shut your fucking mouth, you bitch! Just because you're a fucking slut and can't understand a relationship where you don't have multiple guys fawning over you and constantly showering you with gifts! You don't have any fucking idea what's going on between Vic and I, so I suggest you stay the fuck out of it!" Stella screamed, turning around and storming out of the office, heading home.

Stella rummages impatiently through her bag for her keys, unlocking the front door.

"Stella!" someone yells she crosses the threshold with her head down.

She looks up to see Vic sitting on the couch, turning off the television and leaping up, beaming at the sight of her. Her mouth drops open as she lets her bag fall to the floor before launching herself into his familiar arms.

"Oh Vic, I missed you so much." she murmurs into his chest, the warmth of his body and his comforting arms wrapped around her immediately banishes the frustrated thoughts from her mind, "But what are you doing here? I thought you weren't back for another month!"

"I couldn't stand being away for you any longer." He replied, grinning, "And anyway, it's Valentine's Day...and I wanted to surprise you!"

"Well, you definitely surprised me! I never expected to see you back so early!" Stella laughs.

"Oh! I meant that I was going to surprise you by getting you something!" Vic smiles sheepishly.

She peers up at him, "You know you didn't have to do that, right? It means so much to me just to see and talk to you."

"Well you're my girlfriend, I love you, and I wanted get you a present!" he pouts.

"Okay then, what is it?" she rolls her eyes slightly.

"It's a secret!" Vic's face lights up like a little kid at a sweet store, "Close your eyes!"

Stella chuckles and does as he says, her ears straining to pick up any clues as to what he had gotten her. She can hear a slight scuffling as Vic opens and closes her bedroom door.

"Open your eyes." Vic says.

She does, and in his arms is an adorable puppy, a little golden Labrador whose tiny tongue lolls loosely out of its mouth, tail spinning around like a propeller as it yaps excitedly.

"Oh my gosh a puppy!" Stella squeals, moving closer so as to scratch behind the dog's flappy ears, "He's so flipping cute!"

"I knew you've always wanted one, so well, I thought I'd get you one." Vic blushes.

A wide smile stretches across Stella's face as Vic leans over to press his lips to hers. The kiss is suddenly broken as the dog barks loudly, demanding their attention and licking both of their chins with its slobbery tongue. Vic and Stella both laugh as the puppy settles down and nuzzles into Vic's chest.


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Thank you! Have a wonderful day :3

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