Termite hotel

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Shyla was feeling car sick. They had been driving for hours, only stopping when they saw a gas station or when nature calls. Shyla was about 15, with long auburn hair reaching her hair waist, with a slight wave at the ends. Although she loved the sun and outdoors, her skin was surprisingly pale, with only a slight tan on her limbs and face. She was one of the taller girls in her class, but shorter that most girls her age. She didn't want to move, she liked her home and school. Shyla had great friends, good marks and she was great at sport.

There was no warning of the move, it was sprung on her like a jack rabbit out of a burning magicians' hat. Shyla came home after school and saw the van being loaded, boxes being taped shut and an empty house. "What the brazzle is happening, Dad?" She asked, very flustered. "We're moving cupcake. Out to a place surrounded by forests and lakes and all types of animals. You'll love it sweetie don't worry."

This was the start of a series of very interesting events, friends and other things too. Enough spoilers, back to out car sick friend.

They arrived at the new house by 7 pm. The house was surrounded by thick woods, apart from the street the house was on. Shyla looked up at the new house. "I didn't know we were checking in to the Termite hotel." She said in a tone singing with sarcasm. "Don't be rude Shyla!" Her mom, Mary-Ann, snaps. "Your mom is right, it will be as good as new with a few repairs." Her father Mark says to help.

'A few repairs' was an understatement. The house was a double story, with an acacia porch and faded purple boards on the roof above the door. The roof was high, with dusty blue-purple tiles, the ones that were still there mind you. The roof looked like a gap-toothed smile from a cheery seven-year old. Shyla imagined opening the door to a cockroach convention in the living room, with termites serving them rotten food.

"Well, I guess we all have roommates, so no one is alone", she states with a deflated tone. "Oh, cheer up, grumpy. Just be glad we aren't making you sleep in the car for all your complaining". That actually sounds like a good idea, Mom. Compared to that" Shyla says gesturing to the house. Mom laughs and tells her to get unpacking, and that if she is fast enough, she gets to choose her room first. They unloaded the van and Shyla chose the upstairs room with the balcony, though she daren't step out on it till Dad fixes it.

By the time she was settled in, it was 8:30pm. They ordered pizza and after eating Shyla went up to her room and got her pyjamas on. As she fell asleep, she prayed for this move to work, that something amazing would happen, something to make this place more interesting.

With that though she fell asleep, unaware of how soon her prayers would be answered.

Authors note:

First chapter, woo! I must warn I don't update on a schedule. I will update when I have inspiration for the next chapter. You can give ideas if you want, I might use them. If you want a love story, stop reading. This is not a love story so sorry if you like that stuff, this is for the fantasy adventure people. Every time I update I will do a shoutout to an author and a vote of thanks to the person or other living creature who inspired me or helped me write my chapter.

SHOUTOUT: Please follow Collin_Bladesly and read his new book titled Hex. I've read the book so far and I think it has great potential.

VOTE OF THANKS: To my dog, Luna, for lying with me and keeping my feet warm while I was writing this chapter. Thanks girl, you make a great how water bottle.

Vote, share and read. See ya🙈

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