Caught in a trap

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Shyla woke up with the sound of a songbird singing its morning song. It sang as if to say, Wake up, wake up. The dawn is here, time to rise and start your day. That was exactly what Shyla was going to do. She had a visitor to find, and a necklace to return.

She got dressed in her short sleeved top that came to her hip, and a very practical pair of faded jeans. Shyla never had the time or tolerance for long and immobile dresses, she would rather wear a practical outfit to be able to do anything without restrictions. Tying the last shoelace to her grey takies, she grabbed the necklace and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

At the table she inhaled her breakfast and went to rush out the door when her father stopped her. "Why the rush sugar? Going somewhere?" Shyla replied quickly without hesitation. "Im just going for a walk in the woods for a bit. Thought I would check it out."

Her father paled. He seemed like he'd seen a ghost. "What? What did I say?" Shyla asked in confusion, feeling like she said something wrong. "The woods are dangerous, please be carefull, Shyla." Her father warned. She had never seen him act so strang. What did I say? Why is he so worried about me in the forest? Shyla couldn't think why he acted like that. She never the less left for the woods and pushed the recent conversation to the back of her mind and started toward the forest.

There weren't many houses on the street, and her visitor could be in any of them. Although Shyla didn't think they were in there somehow, she looked towards the forest and guessed they were still there. So she set off into the thick and rather dark forest of trees that grew so close together they seemed like they were huddling together as if there was something terrifying in the darkness that the trees, despite their sturdiness, feared. With that lovely thought in her head, she set off.

The forest was alive with birds singing, small animals busying themselves with things they needed to do, and the occasional deer in the bush grazing on the lush green leaves. There was no path, so you had to walk through the low bushes and ferns that covered the ground like a blanket.

This also meant Shyla tripped over a few roots as well, it was like the tree stuck its leg out just to trip her up like a fun game. After getting herself upright and walking without tripping, something tightened around her ankle and she fell flat, landing on the hard ground the ferns were covering so well.

Shyla franticly tried to squirm free of what was holding her ankle. After that failed she was trying to pull it off, seeing that she was caught in a noose type ground trap. Like the ones where you step into the middle of the loop and it tightens around your leg with a death grip that is determined not to let go.

Growing more panicked by the second, Shyla thought of all the scenarios that could happen if she couldn't get loose. From getting eaten by wild animals to being found by a murderer, which made her panic even more.

There was a rustle in a nearby bush, and Shyla began to franticly look for something to protect herself with. She grabbed a small stone and aimed at the bush, ready to throw it at the noise. Something started to emerge from the bush and Shyla threw the stone as hard as she could, scoring a direct hit. Unfortunately, it was to the ground a few meters away from her target.

The figure came further out the bush and made a beeline to her. This is it, thought Shyla, I'm a goner. The figure came close enough to see the face clearly. The terrifying, world ending creature she imagined was not that at all.

"Calm down, I'll get you out." The figure said, and came close enough to see the detail of the face.

Ok, not my best work, but i promise it will get better as the story goes on.

SHOUTOUT: To peacockbluegreen for showing me some interesting books, and the hilarious comments that people left😂

VOTE OF THANKS: To my new followers, thanks for joining the club😃 I look forward to good insight and good work from you all.

Bye till next chapter:)

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