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That was too close, Adalwolfa thought to herself, and it's not even midnight yet. They were still running through the forest, Shyla still in shock of what happened just barely five minutes ago. One minute she was sleeping soundly, the next her parents were being carried away by creatures with wings. What were they anyway? Shyla wondered.

Other things bugged her too. My parents were controlling air and shooting water, since when were they that cool? And wasn't Ada a wolf just now? What the brazzle is going on here? This was but a few questions in the girls head. Time for an explanation Ada, and it better be good! She thought angrily. "Well, here we are, home sweet home." Adalwolfa said, braking through Shyla's thoughts. Shyla looked up from her thoughts to see where 'home' was.

Shyla was confused. She didn't see anything besides trees and bushes. "Uh... Ada? What am I meant to see exactly?" She asked cautiously. Adalwolfa looked at her then said with an embarrassed laugh, "Oh right. I forgot about the shield." Adalwolfa breathed in deeply and muttered softly, "Sealltainn dè tha thu a 'falach!"

There was a rumble and suddenly one of the big trees started to shimmer. Before her was still the same tree, but it had changed. There was a door now, and windows. "See it now, tenderfoot?" She said, almost teasing. Shyla was still staring at the tree that Adalwolfa almost left her behind as she walked to her tree home.

Once inside Shyla demanded an explanation. "What just happened? What was that thing?" Shyla was firing questions so fast Adalwolfa felt a bit overwhelmed. "How were my parents doing what they were doing? What were they doing anyway? An-"

"Hold it!" Adalwolfa exclaimed in frustration. Shyla flinched and went dead quiet, too scared to speak. The wolf bared her teeth, that isn't good when I'm such easy prey... Shyla thought. She stared petrified at Adalwolfa, hoping she wasn't becoming hangry. "I can't think when you do that!" Adalwolfa started, but stopped when she saw Shyla's terrified look. "Sorry, just slow down okay tenderfoot? Now, try that again." She said slowly and calmly. Shyla started cautiously with her questions. "Okay, what was that thing my parents were fighting?"

"It was a Nighruff, a very merciless and deadly obedient creature. It will do whatever their master commands, so they make prize mercenaries for people who have their loyalty." Adalwolfa explained to her. Shyla was still processing but fired the next question. "How were my parents doing what they were doing?" This is what confused her the most. My parents were never that cool was her thought on the matter while she awaited an answer.

"Okay, let's start that story from the beginning. Your parents are not quite human; their appearance is human, but not their abilities. They are part of a group of half-bloods called 'Element Wielders'. They can harness the power of any of the elements. A few of these people have the rare ability to control one of the four main and strongest elements, air, water, fire and earth. Your parents are one of the few who control these. Your mother has the element of water, and she can control it, make it do as she wishes. She can summon water from nothing, so it just appears as she wishes. That is how she sprayed water at the Nighruff. Your father can do the same with air, only he can make shields and prisons with it to either protect or trap who he wishes." Adalwolfa stopped to see if it was too much for the poor girl to understand. She seemed to understand perfectly.

"Okay, that makes sense I guess. Now I have only one more question." She paused. Adalwolfa noticed her hesitation. "Yes? Ask. I won't bite, you know." I don't know about that Shyla thought. "Okay, when you came to 'save' me, I saw you turn into a..." Shyla hesitated more as Adalwolfa's eyes looked her dead in the eyes. She gulped. "Into a wolf, right? Then yes, I did." Adalwolfa finished for her. She sighed. "Well now I know why you're so scared of me, you think I'll go all 'Big Bad Wolf' on you. Well I promise I won't." "Then, can you do it again, if you really won't make this a 'Red Riding Hood' ending." Shyla laughed trying to hide her fear. "Sorry tenderfoot, but I can't. I only use it when I need it, it's not really something I advertise" Adalwolfa said that a bit like something had happened to make her think that way.

Shyla was definitely not going to ignore that and asked why quick as she could. Adalwolfa gave her that eye to eye stare again but this time the eyes weren't human, more animal like. "That, you don't need to know, and you shouldn't think of asking again." It almost sounded like she growled it instead of saying it. Shyla was once again struck with fear and her eyes grew wide with panic, though she couldn't move from her stare. Adalwolfa saw what her words had done and softened her eyes and spoke calmly. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. It's just not a topic I like to talk about. Now, get some rest."

Shyla suddenly remembered her parents again. "What about my parents? Aren't we going to rescue them? We have to follow those things an-" "You will not leave this tree unless I say so!" Adalwolfa didn't stop when she saw Shyla backing up. "If we follow them they'll just catch you and then you'll have been no help to anyone." Shyla was now crouching behind the bed hoping that the wolf wouldn't bite.

Adalwolfa looked at her and sighed and walked to the window, I raise my voice and she crouches thinking I want to kill her. Is this really Mark and Mary's child? As much as I think it's a bad idea, we must rescue them. If they aren't saved before the blood moon, then neither of them will survive.

Adalwolfa looked around at Shyla and told her calmly to sleep. "You need to sleep, get a good rest. You'll need it." Shyla looked confused. Adalwolfa looked her in the eyes, this time with human like eyes. "We leave tomorrow. I suppose we can't leave your parents in the hands of their master." Shyla's spirits lifted and she climbed into the bed to sleep.

She wouldn't last five seconds out there alone. Her parents never taught her how to use her powers, so I don't know what element she is. The journey will not be easy, but better I go with her than her going alone. She decided to see what she could teach her about her powers so she wasn't completely defenceless. Adalwolfa didn't feel like sleeping so she kept watch out the window. Tomorrow is going to be the start of the most dangerous journey I have ever had to be someone's body guard for, she thought dully. She stared out the window and became lost in the stars around the almost full moon.

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