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Admit it or not but this is my life now I dont know what I should do but I  have to do something about my situation so I decided to TALK.'YA AGAIN HE'S GOING TO TALK AND YOU ARE GOING TO LISTEN'. I erase all the negative thoughts and walk towards the lion's den.

knock knock ....nobody answers I again knock on the door but I don't get any response.I decide to enter till then one more handle turns and he comes out from bathroom.Trust me I feel like I just saw a greek god. Shirtless,damp hair and only towel wrapped around his waist and I just kept on staring.

'and I was thinking you hated him'

"Like what you see?"

shit,shit ,shit the last thing I want is that he looks at me when I am staring him.

"The last thing I want is too see you naked so get out of this notion."

"Yes and you are not here to obviously chit chat with me ,what's the occassion."

"You got what you wanted you are married and the CEO position is saved now what about me what should I do?"

"First get your ass out of this room so I can change and then we can discuss."

"Whatever." I leave the room and sit in the living area waiting for him to come.And the tapping voice from the staircase comes.He enters dressed in his dress shirt and pants 'Is he always in these kind of clothes.'

"Look we both know that we both are not interested in this marriage. Better we both can do one thing without killing each other we can stay in this house by only one way you do whatever you want ,you will have access to credit cards and everything. You live your life enjoy with my money and stay out of mine."I was shock na ,why i will be this was obvious. Though somewhere in deepest bottom of my heart I was expecting that he say 'can we work on this marriage and make it reliable'.'No doubt you are dumb.'

"Actually....."I say making my speech in mind so that we don't fight again."I want to work."

"What?"he looks at me shock as if I have asked for his something else.

"U can't work,that's it"

"What the hell I want to work I am a doctor I have not studied so hard all these years to sit at home and do shopping from your credit cards."

"No discussion,I dont want my wife to work for salary in some hospital."

"Wife oh yaa what husbandly duties you have done so you can expect me to do the same.Giving your wife  to access credit card does not only count in husbandly duties there is more something like..." And I stop myself from going to say the word  which is not even there in his dictionary.'LOVE.'

"Look if you want to work you can, at our hospital and I have heard you doctor beleive much in charity ,that you guys live for treating patients and all."He says in sarcastic tone and continues." But if you think you will be doing it for earning forget about it.You are my wife and Mrs. Malhotra does not work for some thousands."

"Male chauvinist. "

"look who's talking, Feminist."

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