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In arranged marriage everybody gets a chance to meet the guy, be with him, get engaged ,know him more and then dream of your life with him.

Why not me, have I done something wrong?Have I done any sin?Was I not good enough to get Mr. charming?

"I am not going to marry him!" I said between sobs.I was sitting on the sofa surrounded by the weird people whom I told that they are my family till 23 yrs of age.Because I don't know why they are asking me to do this weird thing.

"You have to, its about our family's honor your sister have already done alot to grace it!"my father said sarcastically.Sitting on the sofa beside me and caressing my head.He knew the thing which he was asking was really difficult.

"But dad you want me to marry a guy whom I have only met once and have seen as my jiju(brother in law).He was neha's husband to be I can't just take her place"

Till then there is knock on our door which drags everybody's attention including my father, mother ,uncle and aunt(neha's parents).A tall man approximately 5'11'', tanned skin ,sharp features with hard jawline  in a sherwani(indian attire for groom) enters ,the look on his face is vulnerable and devastated.

I have never seen him before like this before.When I met him I only saw the arrogant devil but today his eyes said something else. Yes, I had meet him before but that time we didn't even talk much as we got nothing common ,so I better chose to keep quiet rather blurting nonsense and  creating trouble for my sister.Neha is my first cousin, my uncle and aunt have taken care of her with everything.I dont know what was wrong with her to take this decision.


She really thought this was a good decision of

eloping and creating trouble for my whole family .

Rahul malhotra was known in business world for his ruthlessness and creating such a big empire at an age of 29 which was seriously an acheivement.Yes this was an arranged marriage but atleast she was asked whether she want to marry him or not and here I am with no choice because my family knew that if this marriage is not going to happen the malhotra's will ruin my father's and uncle's company and I was the only solution.

"I want to talk to her." Rahul's voice echoed in the room filled of silence and grief.He entered and looked at everyone.My father giving a curt nod left the room.

And everybody else left the room and I was left alone with him.His presence only  intimidates me and I was pleading to my mom with puppy face 'don't leave me alone please.'

A/n:Hey guys give me your reviews by voting and commenting.

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