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-pulling you into a janitors closet to make out
-taking you to school dances and being the sweetest couple there
-leaving you cute notes on your locker
-walking to class and holding hands
-being the most well known couple in school
-other girls being jealous
-hanging out by your locker and talking as he plays with your hair

-surprising you by leaving stuff in your locker
-lots of pda, and kissing you before you go to a class he's not in
-texting you all the time about how much he's bored
-playfully throwing food at you at lunch
-being the teachers favorites, they secretly all thing your an adorable couple
-going to dances for like five minutes, then leaving to mess around in town

-ditching class to watch him skateboard behind the school
-going to dances and just messing around the whole time, only having like one slow dance but thats ok
-kisses you at your locker every morning
-"thats my girlfriend! Everyone thats my gf!"
-super protective
-having secret meet ups in the bathroom
-sneaking into the teachers lounge

-looking at each other from across the classroom and grinning/winking
-embarrassing him in front of everyone at lunch
-holds your hip while walking you to your class
-also takes your book bag, what a gentleman
-stealing little pecks throughout the day
-going to coffee shops after school to do homework
-playing games on your phones during class

-taking all the same electives just to get extra time together
-somehow you always end up sitting together
-low key helping each other cheat on test
-dances to every song at school events
-in a bunch of clubs with you
-winking at each other if you pass in the halls
-eating lunch together, outside whenever its warm
-holds doors open for you

-taking music related classes together
-going to dances and just cuddling in the corner, or slow dancing
-doodling you during class and then giving it to you after
-always decorates your locker for valentines day and your birthday
-randomly leaves flowers at your desk
-sending "I love you" texts in the middle of class

-the couple that gets wild at every school dance
-would get elected prom King and Queen
-everyone loves you
-being the cute gay couple
-borrowing each others jackets in the middle of the day
-kissing behind the school and ditching class occasionally
-spending lunch teasing each other and sharing food
-shed probably do sports, you'd go to cheer her on

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