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-does not come out of his room
-yells at everyone when they try to talk to him
-eventually locks himself in there and starts self harming
-would probably kill himself after losing two people he loves

-never makes jokes again
-cries constantly, at school, around own and especially at home
-just lays in bed and stares at the wall
-becomes dull and moody

-constant panic attacks
-has night terrors and when your not there to comfort him he'll start screaming and sobbing
-stays in his room all day
-constantly shaking and pulling at his hair/scratching at his skin
-isolates himself and blames the other losers for your death

-would never recover
-blames himself, keeps thinking about what he could have done
-never sleeps
-constantly pacing, having panic attacks and drinking coffee until he's sick
-stops talking and trying
-would probably end up self harming

-stops going to school
-writes poems about you, and eventually fills a book with them
-no matter how much time has past, if someone brings you up he will start sobbing
-overeating and oversleeping
-takes long walks and ends up thinking about how you guys used to walk home together and gets even more depressed

-stops hanging out with the losers
-becomes cold, and rude
-moves away as soon as he can
-constantly cries over you when no one can see
-gets a temper
-really moody

-turns to hard drugs to take her mind off you
-smokes more then she should
-starts drinking
-constant crying
-cant even look at her friends because all she sees is you
-burning and cutting herself
-screaming into her pillow and screaming at her friends
-completely gives up

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