Keith x Reader

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I don't own this picture and just a question for Keith...WHY ARE YOUZ SU CUTE?

Also, the key is this:

(e/c) = Eye color

(h/s) = Hair style - short / long / medium / etc.

(h/c) = Hair color

(Y/N) = Your name


(Y/N) was one of the smartest people alive. After all, she was the cousin of Pidge, and she did always stay with Pidge on the weekends and studied a bunch of techy stuff with her. Not only was (Y/N) a person that was good at tech, but she was also a nice person. (h/s) hair that was a color of (h/c) with eyes that were colored (e/c). 

When (Y/N) would go on little missions with Pidge, she would come back saying that everyone on that planet thought she was an angel because of how she looked. And that's true. 

She did look like an angel. She also had the personality of an angel. Whenever one of the paladins--mostly when Lance and Keith--get into fights or arguments, she would step in and talk whoever was fighting or arguing out of it.

Everyone, and I mean everyone in the whole universe had heard about (Y/N). Everyone thought she was pretty, but the one person that had the biggest crush on her was Keith. Yes, the one and only Keith Kogane had a huge crush on (Y/N).

The first person to find out about the crush was Pidge of course. And then Space Dad found out, only because Space Dad knows everything. Keith was so embarrassed that Shiro had found out that he avoided him. But when Shiro confronted him about the situation, he was able to go back to normal with Shiro.

But we're not talking about some Sheith right now we're talking about KEITH HAVING A CRUSH ON (Y/N). NOT SHIRO. 

Anyway, that was the past. He's still had a crush on (Y/N) for three months now, and this time, they just had to end up as partners.

(Y/N) walked into Red and ran my hand along his walls. "Red, where's Keith?" Suddenly, (Y/N) got flustered. She was talking to Red, who didn't even belong to her, but to Keith. "Ah...You know what, never mind Red. It's okay."

Just a few hours before we go on the mission and he's doing what? (Y/N) thought, walking the halls of the Castle of Lions. (Y/N) hadn't been this worried...since a long time. (Y/N) rarely had anything to worry about. But this was very worrying.

Did (Y/N) do something that Keith hated and felt awkward in anyway? (Y/N) ran her hand through her (h/c) hair. Did Keith hate her somehow? Did he find out about the crush she had on him?

"(Y/N)?" a voice said behind her.

That surprised (Y/N), so she screamed and jumped backwards, falling onto her butt. She squeezed her eyes shut and rubbed her bottom. She opened her (e/c) eyes only to meet a pair of blue-grey ones. (Y/N) yanked her head back and saw Keith, holding out a hand.

"Oh! Keith!" (Y/N) let Keith help her up. "You scared me when you called my name and were in my face."

Keith had a hint of blush on his face. "Sor...Sorry about that. I was just worried that I hurt you."

"Aww that's sweet Keith," (Y/N) smiled. Keith blushed a deep red and nodded his head. "Oh, by the way, where were you? I was in Red waiting for you but you didn't show up. We have to get ready for the mission."

"Ah sorry, I...uh--" Keith's face flushed even more dark red. He was like, fifty shades of red.

(Y/N) giggled, causing Keith's heart to be hit with cupid's arrow, for the thousandth time. "You know what? It's okay Keith. As long as you're here now, I think it's fine. But...I was just worried that you hated me somehow."

"Hate you?!" Keith echoed. "There's no way I could hate you (Y/N)! You're too pretty and nice! That's why I've got a crush on you!" He blurted. It was silent for a moment as the two of them let reality set it. "Um! Wait! I didn't mean it like that! It's just--"

(Y/N) squealed with delight. "So you actually like me back!? Like, I don't have to pretend that I don't like you? Because it's mutual and not one-sided!?"

She bounced around with excitement. So Keith took this opportunity and grabbed(Y/N) by the shoulders and planted a kiss on her lips. Keith pulled away and smiled.(Y/N)'s face got heated up and she squealed again, jumping into Keith's arms.

"Keith!"(Y/N) shouted.


"I love you, so please go out with me!"

Keith smiled and nuzzled noses with (Y/N). "It'd be my pleasure. And (Y/N)?"

"Yes my love?"

Keith laughed and looked into (Y/N)'s (e/c) eyes while running a hand in her (h/s) (h/c) hair. "I love you too."


"Ah!" (Y/N) yanked apart from a making out session with Keith. "What about the mission?!"

Keith gasped and grabbed his lover's hand and ran towards the Paladin's meeting room. "SHIRO I FORGOT ABOUT THE MISSION!" He shouted as he busted through the doors. It was silent, and everyone sat there, having a dark aura surrounding them. "Um...guys?"

"There really wasn't a mission," Pidge says while pushing her glasses up. "But--"

"Guys guys!"(Y/N) came jumping in behind Keith and she was shinning as she did. "Keith and I are dating now! Aren't you guys happy?" She skipped over to her cousin and hugged her, while the others clapped and congratulated (Y/N).

But while that was happening, Keith was getting lectured by Space Dad about where he could make out with (Y/N). Because when they were in their make out session, Coran had saw the whole thing while watching one of the screens. Plus, Hunk accidentally saw the scene when he went to ask Coran about dinner.


Dedicated to Serenity-Atlas because she just loves Keith.


By the way, sorry if this one was sucky. I'm mostly good at Male Readers bc all of my characters are male EXCEPT for ONE. So like...I'm getting used to it, okay? Just, hang in there a little bit.

NIO is done here.


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