Pidge x Gender Neutral Reader

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Here it is. Another Pidge. I have no idea whether or not it's an AU or not. I'm confusing myself now, wth?


[Name] groaned and sat crisscross on the ground, staring up at their lion. Yes, they too had a lion. It was somehow on a planet, and [Name] found the big [Lion's color - besides red and the other colors pls] metal cat.

The lion liked [Name], and [Name] liked the lion. The lion wasn't a part of Voltron though. It was like it was a test subject before the other lions. Still, the two of them got along, and they got what they needed to get done.

But right now, [Lion's color - EX: Purple] was ignoring [Name], and not opening up.

"What's wrong?"


"Was it because I wanted to ride in the black lion?" [Name] asked, and again [Lion's color] didn't answer. [Name] crosses their arms.

"You gotta admit, the black lion's a fucking beast, and I just wanted to see what his engine and you know...other stuff was made of, see if it was different from yours. But don't worry! I still love you more, I'd never want to change lions!"

[Lion's color] was still silent.

[Name] sighed and started speaking into the comms. "Guys...[Lion's color] isn't opening up to me. Imma need help!"

They ran a hand through their [hair color] hair and flopped onto their back and looked up at the orange sky.

"Seriously?" a really familiar voice asked from behind [Name], and they quickly sat up and turned around, coming face to face with a huge green lion. "[Lion's color] really likes to annoy you sometimes, huh?"

"Pidge!" [Name] whined, jumping up. "You gotta help me. [Lion's color] hasn't done this to me for a while, what did I do wrong?"

"Remember the black lion?"

"I already apologized!"

"Maybe your bond isn't strong enough?" Pidge suggests, finally actually exiting her lion and talking to [Name] while taking off her helmet.

[Name] looked back at [Lion's color] and huffed. "I don't know. I'm not used to [Lion's color] locking me out this long. Sure it happens a lot, but not for long."

"Maybe it died?" Pidge asks, going over and rubbing a hand over the shield that protects it. "Or something?"

"What if it kicked me out, and it chooses someone else?" [Name] asks, almost sounding upset. They still looked up, and looked their lion straight in the eyes.

"I don't think it'd do that," Pidge whispered. "It's old, and like a test subject. It's not gonna act like ours, so that's why not to worry. Maybe try and connect with it again."

"You sure?" [Name] asks, still not looking away from their lion's eyes.

"Pretty sure."


They breathed in and out before closing their eyes and their face started relaxing a little. It scrunched up as if something was happening, and something was.

There was this small chirping noise, that only could be heard by [Name], and who was clearly annoyed with it.

"Shut up," [Name] growled, wanting Pidge to say it wasn't her, but there was no Pidge. [Name] opened their eyes and saw their lion, bending down and staring straight at them.

[Name] yelped and jumped back, [eye color] eyes wide with surprise.

'Huh. You're not very nice. I was trying to tell you something, but I guess you get annoyed quick.'

Voltron x Gender Neutral ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now