Hunk x GN Reader - Be Alright If We've Got Each Other

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I... don't know what I did... it's got a mixture of everything. I just got an idea and wrote this.


"You wanna go home, too?" [Name] asked Hunk, who was sitting in his Lion's cockpit, rubbing his eyes. He only looked down. "Me too..."

Hunk didn't say anything, which [Name] thought was weird. Hunk would always be honest, and would try cheering everyone up. But he wasn't. He wasn't trying anything.

Wasn't trying to smile, to be positive. It broke [Name]'s heart. "Hunk..."

"Think they miss me?" Hunk whispers, looking up at [Name], who had a surprised look on their face. "My family. Or do you think they've already held a funeral for me, upset that they could never find their son's body. They don't even know if I'm alive or—"

[Name] stopped Hunk with a big bear hug, nuzzling their face into his neck. "It's okay Hunk. They've still got hope. They're still waiting for their son to come home. It's the same with my family..."


"They're still waiting for their only child to come back..." [Name] started bawling, feeling the same way that Hunk was.

Since Hunk was always busy cheering everyone else up, that proved that he was trying to busy himself with not thinking of his family. The two of them sat there, crying and hugging each other.

Never in their life has [Name] cried in front of someone. Not even in front of their parents. [Name] wiped their eyes and sat back, sighing.

"I'm sorry..."

"No, it's my fault," Hunk says in a soft voice. "I caused that."

Then it got awkward. Awkward silence followed, and that's when Hunk started speaking up. "You know... my parents always told me to find someone to use their shoulder to cry on. You think they meant literally?" He asked, pointing to [Name]'s right shoulder, their t-shirt was soaked with Hunk's tears.

"It's doesn't matter. I did the same to your shirt..."

The two of them shared a small laugh. "Hey, [Name]?" Hunk asks, touching their arm. [Name]'s [eye color] eyes met Hunk's. That's when Hunk finally smiled. "Thanks. I needed your help."

"Of course I'd help you!" [Name] blurts. "You shouldn't carry this much stress by yourself. You can confide in me, you can trust me. I'll listen to you."

Hunk nodded his head. "Okay. I'll do the same if you need to talk to someone."


It wasn't long after Pidge had made an idea to go home. Everyone started getting around, and just at the start of their journey they had some problems. But they made it work.

That's when [Name] and Hunk started talking about their families. "My family?" [Name] asks, sitting up after they were lying down. They glanced sideways, and out into the beauty of space.

"Yeah. What're they like?" Hunk asks, beaming.

"Well... they're not bad. My parents are a little strict sometimes, but they support and love me. I am an only child. I wasn't for a while... but then something happened."

"Oh, sorry for asking," Hunk whispers, rubbing his neck.

"No, I actually wanna talk about it." [Name] sighed. But then they smiled weakly. "My mom adopted a younger sister — and God was I happy when she was around. Since I was an only child, I usually played alone. But when she came around, she always wanted to play with me. I always agreed to play with her."

"She sounded sweet." Hunk murmurs.

"She was..." [Name]'s smile was already gone. "We had an accident. I was fixing something in our garage when I was also supposed to watch my sister. Though, I told her to go and play in the back yard, she went out front and was kicking a ball around..."

[Name]'s voice started breaking, and Hunk told them to stop, but they didn't. They needed to tell him this. He needed to know so if they ever felt sad, it was because of this. And besides... they wanted him to support them.

"She kicked the ball out into the road and when she went to go grab it... she got hit." [Name] clenched their hands into fists. "I blamed myself for her death, and so did my parents... for a while. They were just upset, and I knew why."


"But I'm okay..."

"How are you okay?" Hunk asks in a caring voice, grabbing their hands. "You just told me something so upsetting... Why?"

"Because... because I feel so safe and okay with you. I feel like if I tell you something I've never told anyone, you'd be the one to support me. You'd be there when I was upset... just like I want to be there when you're upset."

"[Name]! That's what we've already been doing!"

"...really?" Their voice broke again when they said that. "Is that true?"

"Of course it is!" Hunk gripped [Name]'s hand tighter. "[Name], seeing you upset breaks my heart, so I'm going to do this properly now."


Hunk looked [Name] in the eyes, and while blushing lightly, he said, "[Name], from now on, we're going to be together forever. We're going to be together with each other even when we're said. I at least want to do this, because I love you. And I hate seeing you upset."

[Name] started at Hunk, their face dark red. "Really...? You... You actually mean that!?"


"I love you too Hunk!" [Name] shouted, tears pricking their eyes. "And I hate it when I also see you struggling with something..."

Hunk chuckled. "[Name]?"


"We're gonna be alright. Since we're together."

"Definitely. We're definitely gonna be alright... nothing bad is gonna happen..."

Hunk and [Name] immediately hugged each other and smiled. This was the happiest thing for both of them, and to be honest, they wouldn't want it any other way.



Sorry it's short. I didn't mean to make it short. Anyway, bye!

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