Shiro x GN Reader - Ice Cream Kisses

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WARNING: This is an AU. It's my Always Raining Here AU. I can't remember if I made one for Shiro or not, but here it is.

GN is Gender Neutral. I'm also putting the name of the chapter in it now. Maybe so you can get an idea on what it's about (?).


[Name] stared out the window of the bus as they were headed to their house. The rain fell to the ground and the sun shone in and out of the clouds. For some reason, they had always loved the rain.

They loved the smell, the sound — just everything in general about rain. Rain was like... something they could never get over.

Their closest friend, Shiro, told them that someday they'll get tired of the rain. But they won't. [Name]'s phone vibrated as they were staring out the window.

They reached for it and opened it, reading the text.


Shiro: Can you help me at all? Ice cream shop is getting superrr busy.


Now, don't be worried. Sometimes for the rainy season, it can get hot. Even though it's rainy, the rain doesn't really help much to cool things down. And it was one of those hot rainy days, so people were out looking for things to cool them off.

It was getting close to summer anyways.

[Name] replies to Shiro that they have to run home and get ready, and then they'll be on their way. Shiro replies with a few emojis that made him look like he was suffering, but it was his fault for not wanting to take Friday off with [Name].

Once [Name] got home, they changed, got ready to help Shiro at the shop, and left right away. It took a few minutes, but once they got there, they immediately went to work.

"So, where's the boss?" [Name] asked, handing a child's mother a small sugar cone with a scope of mint ice cream in it. They handed the mother the same ice cream but in a bigger cone.

The two thanked the teen and left the busy shop, smiling and laughing. That made [Name] smile. Almost in their last year of school, they dreamed of doing a job that made everyone happy.

They considered this job before all the other ones.

"His daughter was sick," Shiro explained. "For some reason, she kept throwing up and he didn't know why. He's at the hospital now. He didn't want me to be working today, because he knew it was gonna be a hot day, but he just had to go to the hospital. His wife is up state — for a business trip."

[Name]'s [eye color] eyes slowly looked over at Shiro, before they asked, "So... why are you here?"

"Obviously for the extra money." Shiro replies. [Name] gave him a look, and Shiro shook his head, chuckling a little. "No... I did it so he wouldn't have to stress."

"That's very kind of you."

"That's just the person I am," Shiro hummed.

The two worked as fast as they could to serve the rest of the customers, and as the last few came in, there started to be some problems.

"Uh, Shiro! I think one of the machines are—"

A small bang was heard in the back room, and Shiro ran into the back, sliding as he did. He opened the door and found [Name] covered in strawberry ice cream.

"[Name]?" Shiro asked, using one hand to motion towards the mess on the [hair colored] haired teen and on the floor. "What happened? You okay?" He walked over to the teen and used his apron to wipe the ice cream off of their face, and he went immediately to check any cuts or wounds on their face.

"Shiro," [Name] spoke up. "The customers...?"

Shiro gasped. "Right. I'll be right back."

Shiro went out and since the customers were worried about what happened, Shiro explained that the strawberry ice cream machine malfunctioned or something and that it was okay.

While he got the rest of the customers orders, [Name] decided to clean the rest of the ice cream off of their face and clothes.

They got most of the ice cream off of their clothes, since they were just wearing a t-shirt and knee high shorts. Luckily too, none of the ice cream got in their hair. That would've been a hassle to take care of.

[Name] took off their apron and sighed, looking at the mess on the floor. They grabbed the mop from the storage closet and cleaned up the mess.

Just as they finished cleaning the floor, Shiro had finished with the rest of the customers. "Everything still okay?" Shiro wondered.

"Yeah," [Name] replied, taking a deep breath and running a hand through their hair. "Why do you keep asking?"

"Just worried you got hurt."

[Name] scoffed looked at the machine. "How the hell did you break?" They asked the machine, but they were really talking to themselves.

"I'll get Pidge in here tomorrow, see if she can find out what happened."

"No," [Name] said suddenly. They messed with the lever for the strawberry ice cream and opened the side of it, looking at the pumps. "Found it. One of the pumps broke."

"Can it be fixed easily?" Shiro questions.


After a few minutes of messing around the pump and machine, they fixed it, and Shiro smiled slightly as he watched the young [hair color] teen pat themselves on the back and then cross their arms proudly.

"There we go. Took a while, but I think it's good now."

"That's good."

[Name] turned towards Shiro, and before they had a chance to say anything else, Shiro kissed them on the lips.

It was a short and quick kiss, but it surprised [Name].

He smiled as the teen blushed a dark red. "There was ice cream," he lied, still smiling. [Name] shook their head and glared at Shiro.

"There wasn't any ice cream, was there? That was just an excuse to kiss me."

"Uh-oh. You caught me."

[Name] stuck their tongue out at Shiro before flicking some extra strawberry ice cream at him. "That was a good move, I'll give you that."

"You're not gonna say anything?" Shiro asked as the two left the shop.

"Nope," [Name] answered quickly. "Except that I enjoy your cute little ice cream kisses."


So oh my gods I am so sorry that I haven't updated.

I have been having terrible writers block, and I literally wrote this at 11:00 at night yesterday because I was like, "it's summer, and it rained yesterday (Saturday. I'm updating this the day after it's been written).

I don't think I've done one of my Always Raining Here AUs and I want ice cream so let's just write this."

And I also wrote this because I think Shiro would be a cute boyfriend like that.

Anyway, hopefully I won't have any more writers block and I can think of something else. And if anyone has any requests, can you please ask me?

If it's a request, it'll probably be finished in a day or two since someone gave me the idea. But you have to explain it.

The person the reader likes. And what you want to happen. Like... Lance gets a puppy for reader's birthday or something.

But PLEASE can someone request something?

I am running out of ideas and need your help!

         - Ohmega

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