Chapter 3:Voices

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Killian walked into the house and just stood there. All of a sudden he hears whispers that bring him out of his thoughts. " Bloody hell!" exclaimed Killian holding his ears. The only time he remembers hearing whispers like this was when he was the dark one and they were coming from the excallibar. He knows the one person who knows more about this stuff than anyone; Mr. Gold. Killian knew it wasn't wise to go to one of his sworn enemies but he was desperate so he went. " Crocodile?!" exclaimed Killian. Gold came out of the back with an annoyed look in his eyes. " What do you want pirate? " asked Gold very annoyed. " The voices why are they in my head? " asked Killian. Without saying anything Gold goes to the back seeming to get something; when he comes back he has the dark one dagger and on it was a name that made Killian want to yell;Rumplestilskin was written across it. " You're the bloody dark one again!" exclaimed Killian staring him with hatred. " That's right pirate." said Gold with a sly grin. " You betrayed Emma; you make her sacrifice seem pointless!" exclaimed Killian. After a moment of silence Killian said, " You are taking me to the underworld and we are bringing her back. " said a determined Killian.

Hope you are enjoying this! I hope you love angry Killian because I enjoyed writing it!💗 Stay tuned for more to come!

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