Chapter 17:Reflection

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It is now three months since Emma found out she was pregnant and she is more worried than ever. With the baby close to coming, the need to stop Hades has grown more urgent. Emma now has a little baby bump and is going to a ultra sound.

They go to the hospital and wait in the waiting room to be called in.
They get called in and wait for the doctor to come in. Emma is all relaxed but Killian looks really nervous.

Emma grabs his arm and smiles. Killian smiles back relaxed now. " Hi guys, I am Sydney and I will be doing your ultrasound today, " she said kindly. She gets the wand and puts some gel on it, then tells Emma to lift her shirt so she can put the wand on.

She turns off the lights and puts the wand on her stomach. Immediately, on the screen you see a little head with the littlest body. " Wow," Killian breathed amazed. He couldn't believe this was his child that he created. She prints out a picture and hands it to Emma and then turns on the lights, wipes the Emma and leaves the room giving the couple some privacy.

" So this is our baby," said Emma smiling.
" Yes that is," said Killian tearing up a little. Emma smiles and grabs his hand in which he takes and with that they kiss softly, foreheads leaning on eachother. They thank nurse and head out.

They go and buy a frame to put the ultrasound picture in and then head to granny's for lunch. There they see Henry and Violet eating together talking and laughing. Emma gestures Killian to go to a table no where near them as to not embarrass them. Ruby comes and takes their order and then leaves giving the chef the order.

A few minutes later the food comes and they both eat. Emma couldn't help but stare at Henry and his girlfriend, violet. She can't believe how fast he has grown up. She always will remember that one day where that ten year old boy came up to her door and told her that he was her son. She can't believe it is that same boy.

" You alright love?" asked Killian. " Yeah," said Emma smiling," I just can't believe how much he has grown up."
" Aye, he is growing up to be a fine lad," said Killian smiling. The food comes and of course Emma inhales it, while Killian eats slowly. Emma gasps and holds her stomach. Killian alarmed rushes to her side. "What's wrong?" he asked concerned and alarmed. " They kicked, feel," said Emma grabbing his hand and putting it on her stomach. Killian smiles at the feel of his childs kicks.

Hope you enjoyed! Comment please! ❤❤ Stay tuned for more! ❤❤
Stay regal!👑👑

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