Chapter 22

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Emma walked out of the bathroom, Neal and graham following. " Hey Emma, who were you talking to?" Killian asked.
" Don't tell them we are here," Neal said. Graham nodded his head agreeing. " No one," Emma said. Killian nods still a little suspicious but, goes back to focusing on the plan. " So, the plan is, we get Hades when he comes," Regina explained. " And when is that?" Snow asked. Regina sighed and looked at Emma. " When Emma has the baby." " No Regina, we aren't going to get Hades then, what if we can't do it in time?" Killian said. " Well, we aren't going to shout his name telling him to come, he is working with mother gothel now, which means he has magic." " We can capture gothel," said David. " Bait her out, she is Hades advantage; we take her away, we might stand a chance against Hades."

" That could work, ok David and Robin, take this potion. Pour it on her when she isn't looking it will weaken her magic; that is when you put these on her." Regina got out a pair of handcuffs.
" They will make her magic useless." David nods and nods to Robin. They head out.
" Snow, Killian and Henry, you go investigate where they could be; don't be obvious, but see if you can find any trails." They nod, Killian goes over to Emma," Bye love, be careful." He kisses her. Emma smiles and nods.

After they leave Emma walks over to Regina.
Neal and Graham sit down next to Emma.
" Ok, I am going to get some things from my vault; call if you need anything," Regina says.
" Ok," Emma replies.

After Regina leaves, Emma looks over at Neal and Graham. " Ok look, I've got a lot going on, I can't be seeing ghosts right now," Emma said.
" As we said, we are here to help you defeat Hades, we can spy on him for you," Neal said. " You never even told me how you got here," Emma said. " Emma, listen to them." Emma turns around and sees Ingrid.
" Ingrid," Emma said.
" Emma, I really don't know how I am here and talking to you right now, but we can help you."
" How do I know this isn't some trick by Hades?" Emma asked. " Because I know you Emma, you know when people are lying. I also know that you felt alone your whole life and I was there for you when you were 14, I even tried to adopt you," Ingrid explained.
" It is you," said Emma smiling. " These men are here just like me, we will help you defeat Hades. No one is getting near you or your child." Emma smiled. " I just don't understand how you are all here," Emma said.
" Emma do you know what the underworld is?" Graham asked. " Yeah, I was there." " Well, that is where we came from and we never knew what our unfinished business was until I realized it is you," Ingrid said. " Once we properly help you, we can move on," said Neal.

" Well, you can go and spy on Hades and tell me where he is or what he is planning while you are here," said Emma. " Will do, lets go," said Ingrid. The three of them walked out leaving Emma to relax.

Regina came back with David, Killian and Robin.
" We couldn't get Gothel but we found out where they are, the basement of the library," David said.
" Great, lets go," said Emma getting up. " Love, you need to rest, we will handle it and by the way didn't you hear the plan, we wait till you have the baby," Killian said. Emma sighed and nodded. Killian took Emma home to rest while everyone else discuss more things. When Emma is sitting on the couch, Ingrid, Neal and Graham come in.
" Alright love, I will go and get dinner," said Killian giving her a kiss.

After he left Ingrid said,
"Alright Emma we found out something. Hades needed Gothel for a potion that will speed up you pregnancy."
" But I am already in my 9th month. How much speeding up is required?" Emma asked confused.
" Speed up just enough where you go into labor early," replied Ingrid.
Emma sighed and said," So now I have to watch what I drink?"
" Not exactly, we will warn you if they do anything, " said Ingrid smiling. " Don't worry Emma we will help you," said Neal. " No one will be getting your baby," said Graham. " Thanks guys," said Emma.

Killian comes home with dinner and they eat. Then, they go to bed. The next day, they are having breakfast and Emma is being cautious of her orange juice. " Luv, you should drink your juice," said Killian. " I will," said Emma looking at Ingrid.
She nods telling her it is ok to drink it. She drinks her juice which makes Killian smile. When Killian goes to work at the sheriffs station Emma stays home.

Hope you are enjoying this! Please! Please comment what you think I really want to see what you think! Stay tuned for more!❤

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