Chapter 7:Rescue

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After a while they start to head back when they see what seems to be a young girl of about 15 come running towards them. " Hey!" exclaimed Snow running towards her. The girl stops and looks absolutely terrified. She eyes Killian's hook and takes a sigh of relief. " You're captain hook." said the girl smiling. " Aye who are you?" asked Killian confused.

" My name is Meg and I know where Emma is. " Wait you do? Where is she?" asked Killian. " She is in this dungeon, I was there too but when he told her that you guys were down here she wanted you guys to know that she is alright and to not go there, the dungeon is guarded by a big three headed dog." said Meg. " Well we are going there anyway can you show us where the dungeon is?" asked Killian begging. " Of course follow me." said Meg and with that they headed into the forest to find the dungeon. " It is right down there." said Meg gesturing to a concrete circle. " How do we open it?" asked Regina observing it. Meg turns it to the right and takes it off.

"Wow." said Snow, " if only everything was that easy." " Well this is the only easy thing what you're going to face down there is a lot harder. " said Meg. " Well it couldn't be any different than what we faced before." said Snow confidently. " Ok then how about Snow you bring Meg back to the loft and me and Killian will go down to rescue Emma." said Regina.

" Alright I think it would be best we don't want you going back to where you escaped so I will bring you back to where you can be safe." said Snow looking at Meg. " Thank you so much." said Meg smiling. " No problem, so I will take Meg back and you guys will save Emma. " said Snow. " Yes." said Killian, " lets go save Emma." Regina and Killian head down the hole where they see met by a series of tunnels. " Well which way do we go now?" asked Regina annoyed.

" Swan?!" exclaimed Killian. " What are you doing? We could alert the three headed dog Meg talked about." said Regina crossing her arms. " Well what the bloody hell do you expect me to do we don't have any sign of where she is." said Killian annoyed.

"Do you have something of hers?" asked Regina getting something from her pocket. She takes out a small bottle and shows it to Killian. " What is that?" asked Killian curious. "A locator potion, if we have something of Emma's it will lead us down the right tunnel." said Regina. Killian searches for anything that belongs to Emma when he finds a necklace with a swan on it. " Here." said Killian. Regina pours it on the necklace and it floats towards the center tunnel. " Lets go!" said Regina and with that her and Killian start running down the tunnel following the necklace.

When they reach the end of the tunnel they meet a a dungeon where Emma is sitting in a corner. " Swan?" asked Killian walking towards the dungeon. Emma turns around with so much surprise and glee. " Killian!" exclaimed Emma running towards the bsrs. " Swan we're getting you out of here." said Killian and with that he tried picking the lock with his hook. " Killian I don't think that will work." said Emma bit just then the lock opens and Emma could open the bars.

Emma runs out and gives Killian probably the most passionate kiss she has ever given him and they stand there in silence with their foreheads touching. " God I love you swan." said Killian holding her hair. " I love you too." said Emma. " Alright hate to break this moment but Meg did mention a three headed dog and I really don't want to meet that so lets go." said Regina and with that Emma, Killian and Regina head down the tunnel back to the surface. When they reach the surface they head to the loft where the others are staying. " Emma!" exclaimed Snow and with that she welcomed Emma with a crushing hug. " So good to have you back!" said David smiling and holding Emma's head. "Mom!" exclaimed Henry running up to her. "Hey kid!" said Emma smiling and returning the hug. " So now that we have Emma how do we get back?"

Hope you are enjoying this! Opinions always appreciated!

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