
752 13 3

January 24th, 2017      8 months & 5 days


"Come on you can say it baby. Say mama, ma ma ma ma ma."
"Dada, dadada." I let out a sigh as I heard the room fill with an all too familiar loud obnoxious laughter.
"Why won't she say mama? I know she likes me way more than she likes you so why not just say mama?" I spat as Justin walked closer to the two of us with that famous smirk on his face.
"I don't know if that's true, I'm pretty sure she said 'dada' just now which just so happens to be me, so who's really her favorite?" I rolled my eyes at his arrogance as I continued to try to get her to say mama.

"Come one kas just say it once for me..."
"Daaada." she let out a giggle afterwards which only made me smile although it wasn't what I wanted to hear but who can stay mad when she's that cute?
"Fine, today won't be the day you say it but you're going to say it tomorrow." I began to tickle her tummy making her ridiculously contagious laugh fill my ears making my smile even bigger. I heard Justin's footsteps as he ran out of the room faster than a jaguar, I shook my head not wanting to know what he was up to this time.
I had my little girl on my hip as I made my way down the stairs where the smell of bacon and eggs entered my nose making me let out a moan at the delicious smelling food.

"Hey, I thought it was my turn to cook breakfast?"
"You took too long." His rich accent was muffled by the bacon he had stuffed into his mouth.
I sat Kasaleen down in her highchair and sat down a bowl of bananas for her to eat for her breakfast.
"Why pancakes, waffles are way better." I sat down on the bar stool watching him as he dropped the spatula and turned towards me with a frown, making me cover my mouth with my hands trying my best to not let a laugh slip out, the laugh I was hiding was of course from  his ridiculous face he was currently making.

"Waffles are not better than pancakes."
"Are you kidding me? Pancakes just suck up all the syrup and make them all dry and soggy."
"Fine, then don't eat any." He pouted causing me to laugh.
"You're ridiculous."
I smiled as I saw Justin run down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Where are you off to in a rush?"
"I'm taking Ari on a date today." I nodded my head as I watched him give Kas a kiss on the forehead and shove a piece of toast into his mouth as he waved bye to Harry and I.
I was happy for him, he moved on and decided he wanted to be with her, Ariana that is. He even moved in with her after a few months. Although he is still here majority of the time since Kasaleen lives here. Is it selfish of me to want him still living here instead of with her?
Harry didn't mind him living with us although there were some awkward moments between the two of them, especially when it came down to dinner.

Justin and I have been doing great as friends, we've only had one bump in the road and that came after he had slept with Stas aka my best friend. I kicked her out and Justin and I went through this no talking phase which I got over since he's not my boyfriend you know? Can't stay mad at him, not like he cheated on me but It still hurt like crazy. Moving on to Harry and I, we haven't argued and are still going strong.
My contract with harry ended back in September since it was only for 6 months, we decided to signed another one that ends this coming June. Justin and I were finally out of our contract and didn't have to worry about being forced to do anything anymore or having to worry about being told what to do and when to do it which only made my life easier. Life is  great I'm happy, Justin is happy as well as harry and Ariana but most importantly Kasaleen is happy and I couldn't have asked for anything more.

I looked over at harry who had an unpleasant look on his face as he watched Justin leave out the door.
"Why the face?" I walked over to him wrapping my arms around his waist.
"Do you really think he's over you? You think he really and truly moved on?" I frowned at harry, where was all of this coming from after months of all three of us, well four including the little one; all four of us living together happily and peacefully.
"Yes I believe that he's okay with us just being friends and co-parenting, why? Why are you bringing this up? Why now?" He continued to look at the door that Justin had left out of not too long ago.
"No reason, I just- I would just rather him not be here."
"Harry you know I can't do that, kas is his daughter too and he hasn't done anything wrong to show me he doesn't deserve to have her in his life." He let out a sigh before nodding his head in agreement.

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