8- Return

290 9 5

March 2nd, 2017      9 months & 14 days


"Get up now, lets go." I barley had anytime to gather my thoughts as I was being dragged out of the bed.
"What the hell?" I tried to clean the eye burgers out of my eyes.
"What did I say? I told you not to come to this party and what did you do?" I froze when I realized it was harry, how did he find me, how did he get in? I doubt Justin or Ariana let him in.
"I'm sorry, Kas wanted to see him."
"I don't care I told you no, now get up. Are you wearing his clothes?" I nodded my head as he got even more furious looking at my outfit.
"Take them off."
"But I don't have any clothes to wea-"
"I said take it off!" I felt the tears coming down as I stripped form Justin's outfit that he provided for me.
"What the hell is going on?" Justin came in right as I tossed the outfit on the ground. My chest immediately being covered up by my hands.
"Nothing, we're just leaving."
"Kylie, you okay? You can stay here with me."
I shook my head as I grabbed the blanket off the bed wrapping it around me.
"She's fine, she just didn't tell me she was coming here."
"She's an adult, she doesn't need to run anything by you."
"Stay out of my relationship."

"There's no way in hell that I'm doing that, especially not after seeing what you did to her." Justin walked closer to harry, I saw Ariana at the doorstep watching seeming to look a bit terrified.
"What did I do to her?" Harry challenged him closing the gap in between them.
"All those bruises on her, you're a pussy. You'll put your hands on her but I bet you wouldn't dare do the same thing to me." Justin had a small smirk on his face knowing Harry wouldn't try to do anything.
"Kylie let's go." I nodded my head before grabbing my phone off the nightstand.
"Kylie, I'm not letting you leave with him."
Justin grabbed my arm making me turn towards him. I saw harry charge at Justin pushing him back, Justin reflexes are amazing because his fist connected to his face almost immediately after the push making both Ariana and I gasp.
"Justin stop!" I pulled them apart pushing Harry towards the bed and Justin towards Ariana.
"Stop defending this asshole!"
"You're fighting violence with violence." Ariana spoke up wrapping her arms around his chest to keep him from charging at him again.
"Harry you have 5 seconds to get out of my house before I call the cops on you for trespassing." Justin spoke calmly almost a little bit too calm making me think he was going to explode if Harry tried anything again and Ariana and I wouldn't be able to stop him.

"Come on Kylie." He headed for the door with a frown on his face.
"No she's staying here with us."
"No im not Justin." I pushed the hair behind my ear. His head immediately whipped over to me as he looked at me confused and concerned.
"Kylie you can't go with him."
"Yes i can, and I will. You're not going to stop me like you said I'm an adult."
"Then act like one, open your eyes Kylie." I brushed past him going into his bedroom seeing that my clothes from last night were actually clean and folded neatly. I quickly switched into them and went over to kas's room where she was still sleeping peacefully. I gently picked her up not wanting to wake her, I quickly shushed her back to sleep as she moved around obviously annoyed about me touching her.
"You're not taking her you know."
"Excuse me? She's my daughter, yes I am."
"She's also my daughter and she will not enter that abusive place you call home." I rested her chin on my shoulder while I patted her back.
"She's going home with me and that's final."
"Fine, tonight only. You're bringing her back tomorrow morning or I'm coming to get her. I'll take you to court if I have to, but as long as you're with him she's not staying at that place."

"You can't do that." My eyes began to water.
"I can and I will. It's either him or your daughter." And with that said he left me standing there with her in my arms. He wanted me to choose between my boyfriend;the love of my life and my daughter; my reason for waking up every morning, my everything. It was an impossible choice that I didn't want to make and didn't plan on making and knowing the past between Justin and I, I know I'm going to get my way.
Justin stood at his front door as he watched me put Kas in her car seat, I gave him a little smile and a wave but all he did was glare. I couldn't tell if it was directed towards Harry or me or both of us.
"Ready babe?" I nodded my head before getting into the car, Justin still standing outside as Harry pulled out the driveway. I let out a sigh as we approached the end of the street, I was thankful Justin let me leave with my daughter but I wasn't thankful for this rough stop.

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