15. A New Life

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Lewis ripped into the humans throat, sucking out the blood from his veins, his teeth piercing through his skin. He pulled up from the mans throat and flung the body away from him, leaving a trail of bodies behind him. As the weeks passed and Xavier kept keeping a close eye on Lewis, he knew it was a mistake. The biggest mistake of all of the mistakes he had made. He watched as Lewis growled and ripped the head off from a body from feeding to much, he watched the head roll from the body and stop just in front of his feet. Lewis stood up from his spot on the ground and left instantly. Once Lewis had fled the place, Xavier picked up the head and looked at it.

"This can't carry on any longer." Xavier exclaimed to Abby.

"What do you mean? This is what you wanted."

" I did.. I mean I do. I don't know, he's loosing control Abby." Xavier sat down on the chair and felt as Abby stood behind him putting her hands on his back, rubbing his muscles, making him relax.

"You wanted this. You wanted him away from Camille and that's what you got. They haven't spoke in weeks, which is great."

"Maybe I was wrong, maybe what I've done is completely wrong. I just wanted him to shut off his humanity and now he's become a ripper."

"A what?" Abby slowly rubbed her hands in a circular motion and watched as Xavier's head tilted back and he breathed out.

"A ripper. Someone who feeds to the extent where the victim's head falls from the body."

"Xavier, I'm sure he's not a... Ripper."

"You don't believe me?" He immediately stood up from the chair and faced her, his face hard. "when I say things you should believe me." Xavier pushed Abby up against the wall with his hands on her neck.

"Of course.... I do." Abby croaked from underneath the pressure of his hands. Xavier let Abby down from the wall and she rubbed her throat. "Just give it a few more days and if he doesn't change, you'll have to intervene." Xavier nodded and sat back down on the chair.

"I don't know what I'd do without you Abby. You keep me from doing something drastic, and I want to thank you for that."

"It's okay." Abby smiled at him, while rubbing her neck.

"Come back to me Lewis... I know you. This isn't you"

"You don't know me. If I wanted to turn them back on don't you think i would've done it by now? I don't want to go back to what I was."

"But this isn't you... I know it isn't."

"You think you know me? Well sweetheart you don't."

"What do you mean?"

"Who do you think killed Georgie? Who do you think ripped into her throat and drained her whole body and set her alight."

"What? no! You're lying."

"Why would I lie about something like this... I am who I am Camille and you can't change me!"

Those were the last words Lewis had said to Camille weeks ago. She sat on her bed staring into nothing, listening out for nothing, just waiting for some sign of reality, but this was reality. Finding out the killer of her best friend, how he said it so easily without any regret or sadness. Camille wiped the tears away as they escaped her eyes, and ran down her cheeks. Camille glanced out of the window to see rain tumbling down from the sky, hitting the windows and doors with a force, the dark grey clouds moved fast through the sky, covering up the sun all together making the whole village dark. She watched as everyone around the village ran to their rooms and slammed their doors shut. Some of the followers covered the lights that were hanging around the village and set them alight giving some light around as the storm raged on. The wind bashed against her door throwing it open and blowing out the candles around her room, Camille jumped from her bed quickly and struggled against the battling wind and eventually shut the door, she quickly grabbed the chair and held that under the doorknob hoping it didn't move.

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