19. Truth

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So I'm actually not realizing that I'm making these chapters longer then they actually are but here is another longggg Chapter! :D

Will choose the song another day - an update before I have to go college because I love you guys!

Bloodstream - Ed Sheeran


Camille woke up lying on the floor. She didn't know where she was, but she needed to find her way back. She sat up from the dirty mud and wiped the grass from her clothes before getting up. "What have you done Camille?" Dylan spoke.

"I've fixed it... Well nearly." Dylan stood there watching her . "Well this is the start of something big."

"What have you done?" He stood there watching her.

"I need... I need to find my body."

"Where did you leave it?" Camille looked down at her now body, it wasn't the same as her human one.

"In my room. I kind of killed myself..."


"Dylan calm down." Abby appeared next to him and spoke in a calm and collected voice.

"Mom, how am I meant to stay calm? My little sister has only just come back from the dead and now she's killed herself. What possessed you in doing that to yourself?"

"Like I said... I'm fixing things. Now are you going to help me find my body." Dylan huffed before nodding. "Good lets go. I don't have long."

Lewis walked through the village, passing all the followers before going to his room and closing the door. He pulled his boots off and threw them at the wall with great force, that a dent was formed. He raged with anger before falling to the floor and putting his head between his knees. Camille had ruined everything, she ruined the whole plan. His plan. A follower burst through the door and Lewis shot his head up and glanced at him. "He wants to see you." Lewis nodded before standing up and brushing off the dirt that had claimed his clothes and went off in the direction to the great hall.

Lewis opened the doors and saw as debris was scattered everywhere.

"What has happened here?" He looked to Xavier who was sitting in the only chair that was in great condition. He stepped closer into the room.

"Stop." His voice sounded for the first time.

"You wanted me to see you?"

"Where's Abby, Lewis?"

"I don't know."

"you're lying."

"No I'm not. I don't know where she is? has she left a note?"

"God Lewis this isn't some teenage movie we're in. She was my only witch! The only witch for miles! And now she's gone!"

"Why did you need her anyways?" Lewis cocked an eyebrow and looked at him sternly.

"I just did OK. It's not easy running a camp like this..."

"A camp like this? This isn't some resort for the humans! It's their deaths!"

"You just don't get it! For me to get the best people for the jobs in the village I needed a witch to cast the spells to make them win..." He was standing now, a lot taller than Lewis was.

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