Chapter 3

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Lightning opened her eyes and stood up. She could breathe easily and there was no sticky blood on her pelt. Then she noticed her pelt was full of stars. And that her body below her was waiting to be buried.

"N-no," Lightning whimpered. She looked around to see her brother and a pure white wolf with black paws digging a hole. "G-guys?"

Her brother turned around, gingerly picked Lightning's body up by the scruff, and placed it in the hole.

"It's okay, Thunder," the female wolf said. Thunder just wailed and shoved his face in the she-wolf's pelt. The she-wolf stepped away and pushed dirt into the hole.

"Winter, what-what do I do now?"

"Be a father to the pups I will have soon," Winter replied. Thunder seemed a little happier.

"Alright. Let's get to camp," Thunder said. The two began to walk.

"Wait!" Lightning leaped in front of her brother and shivered as he passed through her. Just before Thunder disappeared into some bushes he looked back and seemed to stare straight at Lightning. Then he turned and disappeared after Winter.

"Hey, you. Lightning!" a voice called. Lightning turned to see a wolf that seemed to be covered in flames. "I'm Sun-Wolf. I helped you with all your hunting yesterday."

"Why didn't you save me last night?" Lightning demanded.

"I was on my path around the other side of the world. I'm sorry. Moon-Wolf should've helped you though, I'll talk to him later. My brother can seem so ignorant sometimes."

"" Lightning squeaked.

"Yes. Well, I best continue my path to the other side of the world. Enjoy your day!" Sun-Wolf leaped into the sky and the sun continued it's path.

"But...." Lightning sighed. "How am I supposed to enjoy my day when I'm DEAD?" Lightning continued on, following a rabbit's scent. Once she found it the rabbit didn't react. Lightning even stood right in front of it and nothing happened.

Then Lightning leaped into the rabbit, taking control. Then she heard a paw step. Lightning looked behind her to see Thunder hiding in the bushes.

"Good, a rabbit is what Winter needs right now," Thunder whispered.

"No!" Lightning sniffed and began to hop away. Thunder leaped out and gave chase. Lightning panicked and swerved around a tree, her heart beating so fast that she couldn't her each separate one.

"Stupid rabbit!" Thunder growled. Then he leaped forward. Hitting Lightning's head with a paw. Her vision went out. It came back quickly and she saw Thunder's teeth coming at her neck, his stinking breath ruffling her fur.

"Wait!" Lightning squeaked and squirmed. Thunder's jaws closed around her neck.

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