Chapter 9

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I bang my fist against my locker. 'Stupid. You should of talked to him. You should have said sorry. You should have explained.' But...what would he have said? He could have accepted my apology. He could have loved me. To love Adam be loved by Adam. I didn't deserve him. I didn't.

"So you think he deserves to be alone?" A voice asks me.

"Did I say that out loud?" I ask without turning around.


"What do I do?" I ask helplessly, banging my head against my locker.

"Cassie, you have two options, you could ignore him and forget about him, or-" I cut him off

"That's not an option. I love him."

"You could say your sorry, and do your best to get him back." Only then do I swirl around and see...John.

"Why are you helping me?"

"Because I'm your brother, and you're upset." He says simply, without hesitation. I eye him, suspiciously. "I'm serious, Cassie. Who do you think I am?"

I had to think after that question. I was silent for a while, before replying, "I don't know John, sometimes I think you're just like your father. I guess that's just a habit, and I'm sorry for being judgmental. I know that's not you though...because then you turn around and say something like that." I watch his reaction, and instead of looking angry, he runs his fingers through his dark brown hair, and mutters something I can't hear.

"I actually had a question for you, Cass" He says after a moment of awkward silence.

"Yeah?" I respond.

"Have you seen Diana?" He asks, his voice full of hope, which drains quickly when I shake my head. He nods, frowning, mumbles a quiet goodbye, before hastily leaving. I hear the bell signal the end of the period, and close my eyes. Adam's in my next class. I hurriedly grab a book from my locker and run-well, jog-to my next class.

"Adam," I shout when I see him.

"Cassie?" He says after giving me a confused look.

"Adam, I'm so sorry."

"Cass-" He starts, but I cut him off.

"I shouldn't have done what I did. I'm sorry. I wasn't going to apologize, or try to bring you down, but I realized you deserve an apology. You deserve to be able to move on, confident in yourself. You deserve to be happy." I'm out of breathe by the end of my mini-rant, due to both the fact that I was in a hurry to get to class, and the fact that I didn't take a breathe at all during my speech.

"Cassie" He says with a sad smile. He looks at me for a while, and attempts to smile at me, a small smile, filled with gloom, before walking away. He reached his seat right as the teacher walked in, but I was still frozen in place, unable to move.

'Cassie. It's me, Stephanie. You have to act normal, they're on a witch hunt. Go sit down.' I hear inside my head. When I remain still, I hear it again, threatening "Go sit down right now, Cassie, or I will do it for you!" After another pause, I felt my body moving, by itself. I was sitting down, laying my head on the table. I was asleep.


I woke up after who knows how long, and school was over. I noticed a wasn't where I was whenI fell asleep. Could Stephanie make my body move while numbing my mind? I grabbed my stuff, then ran to the house in the woods. As I barged through the door, several minutes later, I saw my circle. My entire circle. Not only that, I also saw my siblings, the Blackwells. They were tied up, and positioned in a circle. They were gagged with dirty rags, some of them were bloody and bruised. All of them appeared knocked out except...Adam.

"Mamshy" I heard Adam say, but it was hard to understand, since he was gagged.

"Hello, Cassie" I heard a voice behind me say, as I felt a sharp, crisp, sting on my back. I wince and fall down, trying not to pass out at the extreme amount of pain. The voice spoke again, as I was struggling to hold on.

"Well done, you survived one hit, without even passing out! That's a first, I can't wait to taste your magic...your magical energy." I was struck again, with the burning pain, lingering longer this time. I was flat on the ground, breathing heavily, the world was getting dimmer, but I was still holding on.

"Well here we are. Three strikes..." He hit me again, and I was only able to keep from passing out long enough to here a triumphant, "...your out."

I'm so sorry for the long wait, and short, crappy, chapter. I've been writing, but I've had a small case of writers block, and with finals coming up, and getting ready to go to high school, along with all my Early College duties, I've been a bit busy. I also now have to decide between the AP program and the Early College program, and I have a speech due!

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