Chapter 1

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It was moments like this when I wanted to chuck my phone across my bedroom at the sound of the amplified ring. "..Hello?" I asked in my horrific morning voice. I started to get up to head downstairs for a glass of water. Why do I always sound like a dehydrated camel this early? Making my way down the steps of the new loft steps, I yawned at the demanding tone on the other side of the phone. 

"Danny! Meet me at the Hale house, Now!" Damn, could he not be such as sourpuss in the mornings? It would make waking up so much easier. Derek Hale has been in my life for as long as I can remember. I love the guy, I really do, but why am I being woken up so early on my day off?

"Hale house?" I yawned, shrugging my hair a bit to loosen some of the tangles. I was still in a big ass t-shirt and shorts. He tells me to get things done with so much immediacy, and yet, I wouldn't be caught dead outside looking like this. I'm pretty sure if I tried, I'd scare the kids from the building across the street. 

"Just meet me there, and bring some water." He demanded while I was already grabbing a bottle for myself. I decided to grab a few more, my dark eyes nearly rolled to the back of my head as I went back up the stairs to get ready. 

"Okay, Okay, see you there in five!" I sighed before hanging up and getting ready. I went against opening my closet, since I would only complain that there was nothing to wear. I finally decided on a cream tank with some cute lace details and light-washed mom jeans with modest rips. After grabbing my pink blazer by my door and slipping on some brown booties, I made my way out the door. Jangling my keys all the way to my baby: a juicy red Fiat. Derek made fun of me that I named the car 'Fifi', but yet he still let's me live with him, so who's the real loser? 

"Shit." I mumbled to myself, almost forgetting the water in my cup holder when before hustling inside the dilapidated Hale house. I turned my head to see Isaac unconscious on top of dusty table in a hospital gown. What the hell happened to him? If I hadn't caught Derek's scent I'd probably be a bit more concerned. "Derek?"

"In here." The scruffy Alpha replied. I turned to the right of the front door into what once was the living room. Scott was lying in a chair with Stiles standing on one side of him, arms crossed. On the other side was my best friend holding a blow torch. 

"Hey Danielle." Stiles and Scott greeted and waved in unison. My eyes widened at the sight. This was the sickest form of therapy if I've ever seen it. I nodded in greeting with a small smile, but they could sense the confusion on my face. I take a deep breath, because I'm pretty sure there has to be a logical explanation for all of this. 

"I got the water you asked for, now can somebody explain what the hell is going on with Isaac?"

"He's alive Danny, don't worry, he'll be awake soon." Derek informed me, before continuing." Scott tried to get a tattoo done last night." Realization struck as I moved forward, leaving my brown purse by the door easel. 

"Need help holding him down?" I asked while flexing my fingers and beginning to stretch my arms. 

"Stiles is doing that, I need your help in holding Stiles up." he said, and I laughed as I went to stand behind Stiles. I gave Scott a small pat on his shoulder assuring him that it hurts like a bitch, but he'll be fine. 

"Okie dokie." I smirked lightly hugging Stiles from the side as he rolled his eyes at Derek's comment. 


Scott glanced down at his left arm before looking back up at Derek. The tattoo was two bands on his upper arm. Derek did a really good job, yet still refuses to give me one. I'm the reason he even has his tattoo, so..

Fuck that double standard. 

"Thanks." He said, Derek just nodded once saying he got the message. Isaac was still unconscious so Derek and I weren't going to leave without him. I couldn't wait for the explanation behind this one. "Derek, thanks again."

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