Chapter 3

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A/N: Because of a certain reader who begged me for more : @darequeen2504 Like legit just after you commented!! Plus to clear this up:

GIF - Trioan Bellasario as Danielle Griffin


"Mmm." Peter and Stiles hummed in unison after they took their first bite out of my burger. I smiled at the mustard staining Stiles's mouth. Everyone in the pack just adored my cooking, still don't get why they like mine more, since Derek taught me how to cook.

"I'll take that as a thank you." I smirked, the sound of the door opening caused us to put everything down and watch Derek come through the door. "Hey Der-" I stopped when I noticed his face, he looked lost.

"Derek? Did you find them?"

"Yeah." He whispered, I urged him to continue, walking over to him. He was scaring me. "Boyd and Cora escaped filled with bloodlust." He said finally looking at me instead of the floor.

Now that was a name I hadn't heard in a long ass time. "Cora?" I asked, remembering Derek's youngest sister.

"She's alive, and they escaped thanks to Allison, but I hate to admit she probably saved us too, despite the fact that she also endangered others." He tone of voice was so dark and the raspiness didn't help. 

"Derek you said Cora and Boyd escaped, where's Erica?" I asked, fearing the answer.

"Dead." He stated, he closed up again, blocking his emotions. "Now let's go, I need your help in finding Cora and Boyd, Scott is already out, come on."

I nodded leaving the loft after him


We searched through the woods, getting urgent messages from Scott asking for notice and giving us information on where they were last. Right now Cora was less than ten feet in front of me sprinting. I was gaining on her and lunged only to be knocked down on my side by...Isaac.

I shifted back.

"Isaac you idiot! Get off of me! I almost had her!" I growled after shoving him off me. "What are you doing here?"

"Helping out." He said, that's when I noticed Scott talking to some girl, crap a witness.

I walked over to her, and gave her a sympathetic smile.

"You'll be okay, alright?" I assured her.

She nodded before saying, "What are you guys?"

"Just some people trying to help, you should get back home." I said and she nodded before cautiously walking away.

Derek showed up some time later. Annoyed.

"We lost them." He declared.

"Not yet." I hinted looking at Scott, he nodded understanding my message.


I was behind Derek and Isaac in Derek's new black BMW.

"So your um, your sister.." Isaac began, then glanced at Derek, I bit my lip, smiling and suppressing a laugh, He looked back forward at Scott and Mr. Argent, who we're having a conversation eight feet from the car.

"Uh...Forget it...I'll ask later..."

Derek raised an eyebrow, at Isaac.

"Or never, never's good too." Isaac assured him, and I bursted out laughing. Derek looked at me through the mirror and smiled, Isaac just glanced back and stared confused. "What?"

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