Chapter 4

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A/N: I'm starting to really fall in love with this story. 


Lunch was pretty boring for me. I couldn't get the look Jennifer gave me out of my head, and I'm pretty sure Derek began to notice.

It's been a week since she's been brought up. In fact, she hasn't been brought up into conversation at all, but I can't help but feeling I'm the reason why, and I feel guilty because I know how much Derek likes her.

It's just hard to adjust to the fact that she just doesn't like me when we don't know each other.

I was sitting on the stairs inside the loft watching Cora and Derek train, or workout or whatever, I was taking a break to think.

"How come Danny's not training?" I heard Cora growl in frustration, I wanted to speak but my mind and mouth were on different side of the worlds right now.

"Dans?" Derek asked, probably noticing my thinking state.

I came back.

"Huh? Sorry, I was um...thinking." I apologized.

"You ready to train?" He asked, I nodded jumping down from the stairs, twisting into a backflip, and cartwheeled to Cora.

"Show off." She laughed, I playfully elbowed her.

"What can I say, I did take gymnastics until I was sixteen." I laughed, and she joined. I jumped up grabbing onto one of the pipes in the ceiling and began to do chin-ups.

The alarm sounded. I dropped down from the pipe, looking at Derek, who did he invite?

"What the hell does that mean?" Cora said referring to the alarm.

"It means we have company." Derek said looking at the loft door. I could smell them....

The Alpha Pack.

Cora wolfed up as a tall Alpha wolf slammed open the loft door growling at Cora.

"Cora no!" Derek commanded but it was too late, She already charged up to him only to be slammed to the ground, him holding her down forcefully growling at us.

That's when I smelled her.

"Kali." I hissed.

"Miss me Danielle?" She smiled evilly.

"Go to hell." I growled. She laughed before charging at Derek who was now wolfed up charging at her, she grabbed the pipe and ripped it off and then stabbed it through Derek.

"Derek!" I screamed, as I tried running to her but she twisted the pipe deeper through his chest.

"One more step and it goes all the way through." She threatened with a sinister smile. "What, you don't want to introduce me?"

"Everybody's going to see how ugly you are without any help from me, Bitch." I smirked calling her bluff and walking closer, but she shoved the pipe completely through his chest.

"Ahh!" He growled, he sending me a shocked look. I shrugged my shoulders innocently, I didn't know she was actually going to do it!

"One more step girly, and I rip his heart out...slowly."

'Yeesh, talk about Dramatic!!' I sang in my head but backed up as she said.

"Good girl." She hissed twisting the pipe, he groaned coughing up immense amounts of blood.

"Hey!" I yelled, only for a spear to slam into my stomach and pinning me to the wall. I looked up at the culprit...


"I believe that's enough from you my dear." He commanded, I growled.

"Jerk." I hissed, then looked at my shirt, frowning it's one of my favorite work out shirts, and it's white, perfect.

It has a small hole in the center to his guiding stick which he upgraded to a spear.

And it was now covered in blood.

"Crap." I mumbled gesturing to my shirt. "You owe me a new shirt, dick."

"Shut up Danielle!" Kali hissed, but I childishly stuck my tongue out at her teasingly saying, 'Make me.' Then she for the third time today she threatened me. "If you speak again, I'll rip your tongue out!"

"So this is the famous Danielle Griffin." Deucalion said approaching me, I stiffened, well it wasn't really noticeable, I was three feet off the ground, my feet can't really stiffen in mid air. "I've heard so much of your abilities."

"A-Abi-bilities?" Derek asked choking on his blood. I sympathetically looked at him.

"You didn't tell him?" Kali smiled evilly, my gaze met Derek's but I looked away.

"She's a pure beta." Deucalion smirked at me.

"What t-the hell i-is that?" Derek coughed, and I looked everyone but him shrugging my shoulders pretending to wonder.

"It's a beta that has never killed, their purity amplified their personality, almost like a virgin who's never had sex, she's never killed, anything, not even a fly. Derek did you not question her innocence? How she is always joyful, outgoing, foolish, clumsy, etcetera, she's quite a sight. Surely Derek you must have noticed how odd she was for someone who's lost so much, you never did question why she doesn't hold grudges." He laughed, facing Derek. "It's quite fascinating actually, she can eject her claws you know."

"Would t-they heal b-back?" Derek asked glancing at me, my face was full of guilt.

"Yes, very quickly even exactly how fast Kali?" He asked her.

"1 nanosecond, 3 seconds the slowest." She said, I could tell she was enjoying this, That's when I smiled at her shooting my claws at her stomach she dropped clutching her stomach.

"Did I forget to mention that when hit in the weakest part of the body it can knock someone unconscious?" I smiled devilishly at Deucalion, he smirked, before bending down to Derek and feeling his face.

Did I mention he was completely a human of course.

"You do look like your mother." He said. 'What would he want with Talia Hale?'

"What do you want?" Derek hissed.

"I want you to join me." He said.

"What the hell?" I growled. Deucalion ran up to me and banged me on the head knocking me out.

I woke up with Derek's concern face hovering over me.

"D-Derek, what the hell happened?"

"I'll explain later, you need some rest." He said, I nodded clutching my head as he laid me down on his bed, I thought he had gotten over what Deucalion said until I heard. "Sleep tight, Pure Beta."

"Great.." I mumbled before falling asleep.


A/N: Ooooooooo....

Danny is a Pure Beta...

Awesome Sauce!!!

See you latuuuurrrrr

~ KindredXSpirits ~

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