Chapter 8

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A:N: So I was planning on making Chapter 13 the last chapter, but I'd be too much of a Peter doing that, leaving you all in suspense, so no, But check out the COTW's!! a.k.a: Comments Of The Week.

I'm starting this thing now, which is now a contest, for the best comments of the week. I picked 5 comments from this week with also a reply from me!! Suspenseful I know.

If you want to win just leave an awesome comment, book related.

Shoutouts to the COTW's Winners:

- @Surf4eva13

- @darequeen2504

- @WriteYourDreams0821

So yeah I chose five comments but as you can see these are the only ones, so please comments guys because I know I have more then 3 readers. There was a 4th but it was reported for having a swear so I decided not to place it in the picture, if you are to be explicit replace one of the letters in the comments, so you don't get in trouble with Wattpad, thanks!

BTW: Your beating my other Story: Unaware Of Love, in my self-declared Comment War!!!

Who Will Win?

Please Comment!! You could win and get a shoutout from Me!!

Now on with the story!!


It's been 3 weeks since my flight. I was now relaxing at my beach house along the coast of Le Havre.

It's a beautiful town. Very beautiful. I noticed my cell ringing along side me.

"Hello?" I asked already recognizing the caller I.D.

"It's Jennifer isn't it." Deaton stated.

"How'd yo-" I began but he cut me off.

"Sensing death upon a person means they have killed, and the more times they kill the stronger the scent gets, Scott just texted me telling me that Ms. Blake is the one doing the sacrifices, she almost strangled Lydia, and she's taken Sheriff Stilinski." He announced, the phone dropped from my from my hand.


Derek's POV:

The loft door opened and Jennifer ran in, eyes wide, freaking out.

"Derek! Derek!" She shouted running over to me and hugging me.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" I asked confused.

"I needed you to hear from me before they came, before Scott and Stiles showed." She said paranoid before relaxing. "But they're already here, aren't they?"

We turned to see Scott and Stiles come from the corner.

"Where's my Dad?" Stiles asked a tear falling down his cheek.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Derek there insane, their lying, whatever they had said, their lying." She protested.

She sprinted towards the door, we were going to go after her until she opened the door, only to be thrown back inside by her neck.

"So you wouldn't mind if we tried something to make sure you're telling the truth?" A familiar voice growled in the darkness. I smiled as I recognized the voice she strolled through the door.

"Hello Jennifer, long time no see." She greeted with a devious smile.

"You." Jennifer hissed. "I thought you left."

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