Girls Day

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I'm going to meet Carly somewhere I just don't know where yet. Then I got a text from her it said 'I will meet you at your hotel' I'm kinda nervous, Nash could of done anything but what is so bad, I guess I need to wait and see what happens. Carly text me and she said she will meet me at 5:30. It's only 1:00 in the afternoon what was I going to do?

I started to walk up to my room, and I saw mrs. Grier with Skylnn

"Hi Katie what are yo doing today?" Mrs. Grier asked

"Umm no I don't think Nash and I are doing anything today" I told her, I wish Nash and I are doing nothing today

"Well Skylnn and I are going out for lunch do you want to come?" Mrs. Grier told me, I don't know if I want to but how can I just so no

"Yea I would love to" I said and then Nash walked out of his room, he walked over to us and he put his arm around me. Mrs.Grier told Nash about our girls day and he looked at me, I think Nash knows I'm getting nervous about our day. What if she doesn't like me? I guess I need to wait and see what will happen. We stated to walk down and get some lunch. We sat down, mrs. Grier started to ask me some questions,

"Ok Katie I want you to be perfectly honest, is it easier to be Nash's friend more then girlfriend?" Mrs. Grier asked me, why would she ask me that?

"Well....sometimes it can be easier when we were friends but Nash and I try to be just friends and it don't really work out well because we were just going to be friends but we went on a date before" I told her

"Yea Nash can be awkward with girls but more dates you go on he well be better" she told me, maybe she right I just need to go on more dates with Nash. I looked at my phone and it was 3:30, we started to walk to mrs. Grier and Skylnn's room and when we walked in the room

"Hey Katie how did it go?" Nash asked me and he put his around around me

"It was funny" I told him, looking in his eyes. Skylynn walked over to me and she hugged me and I hugged her back. Then Nash pick up Skylnn and she said to him

"Nash I like Katie" and I smiled at her. The time was 4:00 and I needed to get ready to meet Carly.

"Thanks so much mrs.Grier and Skylnn" I said and I walked over to Nash, I hugged him and he hugged me back. I walked out of Nash's room. I stated to walk to my room and I saw Ellie, Cameron, Michelle and Matt, they were just sitting there and talking. It was kind of weird, what could they be talking about?

"Hey guys what's up?" I asked them

"Nothing much we just want to go a date with you and Nash" Matt told me

"Ya maybe we can tomorrow or something like that" I told them and I stated to back to my room

"Where were you?" Alison asked me

"I was at Ellie's and Michelle's" I told her and she just looked at me. I was getting ready and I got a text from Carly and it said 'I'm here'. I started to walk down and I saw a girl sitting down in the lobby and I walked over to her

"Umm hi are you Carly?" I asked her

"Yes you must be Katie" she said and we sat down on a couch.

"Ok so what happened with you and Nash?" I asked her

"Ok so Nash and I were dating and we went on a date, later that night we went back to his house and Nash was just be awkward, saying stupid things and I got mad at him, I was going to leave and he got up to follow me and then I trip over my shoelace and I hit my hand and I broke it, then the next day I broke up with him and he dated my sister" she told me

"Oh my gosh that's so bad, when did Nash and your sister break up?" I asked her

"Umm about 1 or 2 weeks ago and that's why I need to talk to you because you say that you and were dating" she said

"Ya we broke up about 2 day ago but we got back together and we were dating a week ago" I told her

"Well I need to go I will see you later" she said and she put her number in my cell. Then I man walked in

"Carly are you ready to go?" He asked and I looked at him and them I said very surprisingly

"Dad is that you?".

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