Finding Out What Happened

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Nash looked at me sadly, I was trying so hard not to laugh and Nash looked at me

"Why are you laughing?" Nash asked sadly

"I was just joking of course I will forgive you" I told Nash and he picked me up and turn me around the room it was embarrassing but cute. We all walked up to our rooms and Alison said

"Michelle asked me if I wanted to sleep in there room, do you want to come with us?"

"No it's ok" I said

"Ok I will see you in the morning" Alison said and all of the girls turned around and started to walk back to there room

"Hey Katie where's Alison?" Nash asked

"Oh she is sleep in Michelle's room" I told Nash

"Do you want to come in and watch a movie?" I asked Nash

"Yea" Nash said biting lip. Nash and I walked into my room and I was about to feel asleep and he put his arm around me, then both of us feel asleep and in the morning all I heard was a cell phone camera take a picture of Nash and I and I jump out of my bed and I looked beside me and I saw Nash sleeping and I ran out of my room. I saw Riley, Alison, Chloe, Michelle and Ellie

"Hey Katie, so the front desk asked us if the girls could stay with and I ok" Alison said and they started to walk into my room

"Umm you can't go in there" I told them standing in front of the door

"Why?" Alison asked and then Nash walked out of my room

"Wait why is Nash in our room?" Alison said seriously

"He was just you know things like that doing things boys do... Yea I got nothing" I said

"Wait did he stay the night?" Alison asked seriously and Nash started to scratch his head

"Umm... Yea ..... I mean no...... Yea ok he did but" I said

"But what?" Alison asked

"We were dressed and everything like that" I told her

"I don't care you are grounded" she told me

"What" I said

"Goodbye Nash" Alison said pushing Nash away and I walked in the room. I looked at my phone and it was 9:00 in the morning and I went down to get some breakfast with Riley and we were eating I then my whole family walked in the hotel lobby with bags and I ran over there and I gave them hugs and my dad pulled me over to the side

"I saw the picture of you and Nash" my dad said

"What who send it to you?" I asked

"I don't know" my dad said

"Dad nothing happen I was fully dressed and so was Nash" I told my dad

"Oh really? Then why is Nash not wearing a shirt in the picture?" My dad asked

"Ok so maybe only I was fully dressed but Nash was too just not a shirt" I told my dad

"You are going to stay with we for the rest of the trip" my dad said

"Ok... Ok" I told my dad and I walked up stairs and I knocked on Nash's door and he answered, I told him what just happen with my dad

"Wait so your dad hates me?" Nash asked

"Umm... Yea so if I were you I was would hide from him go go" I told Nash

"Katie go get dress" my dad said and I ran to my room and I got dress

"Ok Katie maybe I should meet Nash" my dad told me

"Ok we will all have dinner tonight" I told him and then I walk over to Nash's room to tell him what just happen

"Ok so who is going?" Nash asked

"Ok so my mom and dad, my step sister Alison, my 2 step brothers David and Josh and my little sister Emily

"Ok that will be fun" Nash said

"Ok I will see you around 5:00" I told Nash. I was getting ready with my mom and Alison and then my dad said

"Ok it's 5:00 let's go" I picked up Emily and we walked to Nash's room, when we got him we walked down stairs for dinner I'm so nervous and when we got down we all got our food

"Mommy I don't fell good" Emily said to my mom

"Ok just wait a minute" my mom told Emily

"I'm going to the bathroom" Emily said and she got up and then she fainted and we all got up, my dad ran to the girl at the front desk and he told her to call 911 and when they got here Nash pick her up and then the paramedic grabbed her from Nash

"Katie watch Josh and Davie when me and your dad and Alison go to the hospital with Emily" my mom told me.

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