Chapter 4
Hades was finally in the real world. He could do whatever he wanted with his new army. He and Herobrine would soon rule the world, but word spread that Ares, the God of War, was going to defend Olympus. Hades couldn’t afford to lose to his nephew. If some puny god stopped his great plans, he would look even stupider than before. Observing his surroundings, Hades realized he was in Kanas. In disgust he said, “Where the hell am I? Kansas…home of the weak pig farmers.”
“We should show the world and the gods what we can do,” said Herobrine.
Understanding what he meant, Hades unleashed his army and sent them to destroy what good Kansas had left (not much). The pigman screamed a loud screech as they slayed the innocent. Swords slit throats, arrows struck knees, and the terror was finally starting. Hades smiled as he could hear the screams that the citizens of Kansas were making. It gave him energy, made him happy, and made him hungry for more destruction.
After hours of destruction the citizens of Kansas actually started to fight back. Pitch forks in hand, and shotguns at the ready, they were ready to defend the “wonderful” place they called home. They charged at the Army of the Dead screaming swear words. One by one, they fell like dominoes. “Who knew farmers we so easily to kill,” asked Hades in his pride at his “free” victory.
“I do say, this will start conflict in the world,” Herobrine said.
“As long as the gods…” said Hades before he was interrupted by the sound of thunder. All fighting stopped and nightfall began. Thinking the fight was over, Hades smiled, but the citizens of Kansas lit torches and continued to fight. As both armies charged to each other, they were stopped when a large lightning bolt stuck the ground between them. After the light cleared, Zeus appeared out of thin air. “No,” shouted Hades. At the sight, the pigman hid in the shadows or sunk into the ground to be out of Zeus’s sight. The scream started to shake the corn fields around them. “I told you to leave me the hell alone,” said Hades to his brother.
Zeus then screamed, “Hades you are such a selfish asshole! Why would you kill these innocent people when the problems you have are with me and the other Olympians. If you want revenge, take it, but I will not let you harm anymore people. Besides, you have no army; it’s best to surrender and go home, brother.”
Hades, eyes red with anger slowly looked up and said, “That’s where you are wrong.” One by one, Hades army started to come out of the ground and stood behind Hades in line as if ready for a good fight. “Stand down men; I will deal with this fool myself.”
With a look of disappointment on his face, Zeus pulled out his Master Bolt and said, “I’m sorry your selfishness got in the way of our family. I will try and make the end quick.”
“I will give you the most pain anyone has everyone has ever seen, and when I’m done, I’ll show your head to all those that still oppose me.”
As Hades said that last word, Zeus got very angry and shot a lightning bolt towards Hades. The Lord of the Underworld would not lose to some Olympian filth. As he jumped out of the way, Hades lifted his staff and shot a fire ball at the ground in front of Zeus. Before it could die out, Hades moved his hands in a motion and the fire turned into the shape of a live dragon. “Rise Kar’toak,” screamed Hades as the dragon came alive. All was quiet and the Hades mumbled, “Kill.” Zeus battled the beast for several minutes and ended up killing it. When the fire best was dead, all that way left was a burned corn field. Then, Hades mumbles, "Attack." Right then, the pigman started to charge towards Zeus. Before he knew it, Hades had the almighty Zeus unconscious. Hades loaded Zeus onto his chariot, carried by dark horses and said, "come brother, it's time to pay father a visit." And with that, they were gone, and Kansas was destroyed.
The Rise of Hades
Proză scurtăHades, god of the Underworld and Wealth, is done being in Hell and mocked by the Gods of Olympus.