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Hey guys! Okay, so I absolutely LOVE Shea. I have nothing against her what so ever! I just thought the story needed a bit of a twist. Enjoy! :)

Colby, Corey, Elton, and Sam and I sat in the McDonald's parking lot waiting for our last member.  Colby's arm was wrapped around me and my head  was rested on his shoulder. It was so nice being back. I never wanted to go back to New York, I wasn't myself there. When I was here with everyone I felt complete. They were my family. My stomach growled from not eating enough at tender greens. My mind kept wandering off on Shea. Thinking about whether or not her and Colby were ever a thing. I was getting so caught up in it that I lost my appetite and only ordered a small portion of Mozzarella Sticks. 

"Sam, can you pass me the MnM's?" Sam passed me the half open bag we had picked up from the Walgreens earlier. Elton claimed we needed flashlights for our exploration so that's where we stopped. Plus, it was the closest to our destination. I dipped my hand into the bag, delicately picking up the small candy pieces one by one. I went through at least a dozen until a black Lexus pulled up. My stomach dropped and I handed the bag back to Sam without making eye contact. He tugged on it signaling for me to release my grip.  A tall slender girl, with jet black long hair climbed out of the car. Colby practically darted his arm away from me to go say hi. 

"Hey guys, sorry I was late, I got caught up in traffic!" She explained, rolling her eyes in reference to the annoying LA traffic. 

"That's alright, there's traffic anywhere you go here." Colby smiled. I resisted the urge to wipe that stupid grin off his face. Sam must have noticed the way I was glaring at them. He sat on the roof of he car next to me and nudged my side. 

"Don't worry. They're just friends." I gave him a faint smile in reply. He grabbed my hand and walked me over to the two love birds. Clearing his throat to attract Colby's attention. Colby glanced at me and returned his arm to its original position. 

"Shea, this is my girlfriend Brooklyn." I tucked the loose strands of hair behind my ears. Shooting her a slight smile. 

"Hi! It's so nice to meet you!" She beamed, waving. 

"Hey." I smiled back. We began walking to the abandoned hospital which was across the street. We did a lot of running since we didn't want to get caught by the police. When we reached the hospitals entrance, we slowed down to catch our breath. Panting, I stood next to Corey. Shea approached me and bent down, resting her hands on her knees.

"Wow. That was quite the run." she giggled.

"Tell me about it." I replied.

"You know, I regret telling them about this. My neighbor tells me a lot of stories about abandoned places in this town, so I thought I'd give coming here a shot." she whispered to me. 

"Really? That's actually pretty cool."

"Yeah, but this place gives me the creeps."  I giggled in agreement. Maybe she wasn't that bad after all. She seemed pretty down to Earth. We walked through the remains of the building. The rubble crushed under the weight of my feet and I could feel the dust clogging my lungs. I coughed, attempting to release it into the abyss of the building. Ten minutes in Sam's crappy two dollar flashlight died. We had spent a solid twenty minutes in the hole, until we heard a loud banging noise from above us. I jumped, grabbing Shea's hand. We held onto each other tight as Colby held my other hand. The six of us stood still in scilence. The darkness seemed to creep around us. The only light we had left was Elton's which casted a dim light, only covering up to a few feet in front of us. Out of all of this, I learned never to buy two dollar flashlights. I felt Shea begin to shake, transmitting her fears to me. I got goose bumps at the thought of someone else being in there with us. Dead, or alive. 

"Colby, I don't like this." I whimpered. 

"Shhh. I know Babe, me either." 

"Let's get closer, to see who it was." Elton said, turning towards us.

"Are you mental! I'm getting out of here." Corey whisper shouted.

"I'm with him." I replied and turned to Shea who was nodding in agreement. 

"Alright guys, I think our best bet is to go out the way we came in. It's probably the safest." We all agreed with Sam.  We began walking cautiously to the front of the building, when the bangs above us grew louder. I let out a scream and held on tighter to Colby as he darted in front of me, pulling me with him. I made sure not to let go of Shea. We all ignored Sams plan as we frantically ran after Colby. My adrenaline sky rocketed as we fought our way threw the tiny opening near by. We ran through a small forest until we made it back out to the road. We ran across the intersection and back to our cars in the McDonalds lot. Catching our breath once again, we stood near our cars. 

"That was crazy guys! Please be sure to like and subscribe to see more of Colby running like a girl!" Elton spoke to his camera. Colby gave him a narrow eyed glare, causing him to erupt with laughter. Shea and I turned to each other to find that our hands were still linked. We laughed and let go of each other, happy that we all made it out in one piece. 

Afterwards we got some Icecream from Mcdonalds and said our goodbyes to Shea. I misjudged her. She was actually really cool. However, I still had the impression something happened in between her and Colby while I was gone. But who's to blame? Only myself. I was the one who left. 

We got back into the house and I immediately went up to Colby's room. I pulled off my shirt and turned around to grab a jammy top from my suit case. But instead, I was met with a tall, handsome devil. He smirked and pulled me in closer to him. I looked down at our feet, refraining from meeting his lustful scrutiny. 

"What's wrong?" He snapped. I could feel his grip on my waist loosen. I took a step back. 

"I'm just not in the mood." I replied. But I lied. There was never a time I didn't fantasize about being close to him. His beautiful build, handsome face, and sinful smirk. Damn that smirk. Damn, those eyes. I looked up at him, observing his now confused face. He sighed.

"This is about Shea isn't it." I turned around and slipped my pj top over my head. With my sweats in hand, I made my way into the bathroom and slipped them on, hiding my bare behind from him. "Brooklyn." He called now growing impatient. 

"Did you ever sleep with her?" I asked, now standing in front of him.

"What?" he laughed.

"Because she's way prettier than me and I don't think I will ever have a body like-" He stopped me mid sentence, placing a kiss on my lips. He slowly pulled away, gently biting my bottom lip.

"I never slept with her, she's just my friend. I want you, and only you." I smiled as I stared into his now softened, baby blue eyes. We climbed into bed and I fell fast asleep.

Colby's POV

She sat parallel to me, with her head resting upon my chest. She was off into a deep slumber. I loved her, at that point I was sure of it. I was never going to let her go again. "Goodnight, beautiful."


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