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As I lustfully stare into his eyes, I can see his expression turn from innocent to dark. He smirks as I give him a sinister smile, strutting away into the nightlife. I make my way into the overpopulated room. I allow the music to seep into my bones, as I close my eyes trying to live in the moment. My eyes flutter open when two warm hands snake around my waist, I grab them and spin around, with a blurry gaze to meet the devil face to face. 

"You're in trouble now." He whispers into my ear, sending cold shivers down my back. He takes my small hand in his and leads me up the stairs. We enter my room and he slams the door behind him, keeping the room dark. He leans down in front of me on the bed beginning to kiss my neck.

"Stay quiet." he demands, and then I realize this is not my loves voice. I try to scream, but my voice goes mute. I try to squirm but my body feels as if it's bolted down. Then it all goes black.

"Brooke!" Brooke!" A familiar voice belts out, from nearby. Something cold is applied to my head with gentle pats. My eyes open in panic, and the lights are now on. Sam is next to me and Colby is hovered over us with glass looking eyes. I begin to whimper, letting out a loud cry. Colby sits next to me, wiping away my tears and stroking my hair.

"Shhh, you're okay baby." his voice cracks. I look up at Corey, Kat and Devyn standing by the door. They approach me but know not to come any farther than they already are. Sam continues to pat my forehead with the damp towel, signaling for Colby to step away. Colby does what is implied, and I readjust my self on my bed. 

"What happened to me?" I mumble. Brennen who is standing on the other side of Sam looks down and shakes his head. My gaze shoots to Colby who began to once again cry.

"I'm so sorry." He says as tears stream down his face. He turns around, not wanting me to see the pain in his eyes. Devyn rushes over me and takes a seat on the bed. She puts a hand on my shoulder and wearily says, 

"You were almost raped." she begins to tear up as well as she stares into my hazy eyes. 

"But you weren't." Sam spits out rushed. "Colby came up to check on you when you disappeared. He said you looked so beau-" he stops mid sentence knowing the subject was sore. I let out a light sigh, knowing I wasn't hurt. 

"The drink. Before I went upstairs to change someone handed me a drink and I was so caught up in the fun, I drank it." I said now returning my gaze to everyone. They were all silent. I knew my decision was stupid. I could hear the booms from the speaker downstairs, the party was still going on. "Who did it."

Brennen looked at me, "someone you don't know. He was a random who just joined the party." I looked down at his hands noticing cuts on his hands. I looked back at Colby noticing he was bleeding. Sam handed him the cloth, he covered his beat up knuckles. "Colby and I took care of him. He's gone for good."

That night none of them returned to the party. When the others found out they comforted me all they could. Brennen slept over that night and so did Shea. Colby slept beside me in bed. It was now the next morning, November 1st.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you, I had no clue." Shea apologized, she felt extremely bad for not being there as my friend. I embraced her in a hug reassuring her it was okay. I did wish she was there, but she had no clue it was going on. Sam entered the living room.

"Lets all go on a trip. Let's get away." I smiled agreeing with the idea of escaping reality.

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