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Colby's POV

Three Days Grace, blasted through my headphones. I lifted the 20 lb weight to the beat of the song. I finished up my last set, placing the bar back on its rest. Tiny droplets of sweat fell from my forehead onto my lap. I lifted up my red muscle tee, using it as a towel. I made my way out of the gym and back home. This morning when I woke up I had an idea. So, before I went to the gym I stopped by the key store and had a copy made of my keys. I was going to ask Brooke to move in with us. I had texted Elton about it, since he was the main adult listed on the lease, and he said it was a great idea. 

When I walked through the hallway I saw Brooke in the living room curled up under a blanket. She seemed really engaged in what was on TV. 

"Hey babe, what are you watchin?" I asked standing next to her. She took a few seconds to reply but finally mumbled out an answer.

"American Horror stor-", she jumped mid sentence, when a clown popped up on the screen. The clown stabbed the guy in shot, and blood oozed out of his body, splattering everywhere.

"EW!" I shouted and cowardly ran out of the room, floundering up the stairs. I heard her laugh from behind me which forced a smile upon my face. I don't understand how people like that stuff. I made my way into the shower, relaxing as the warm water trickled over my bare body. When I was finished, I wrapped my towel around my torso and headed back into my room to get dressed. I was throwing on a hoodie when my door swung open and I heard an outburst of noise, making me leap into the air, leaving my towel on ground level. Aarons eyes went wide, realizing what had just happened. I darted to the ground, retrieving my towel and covering up my body. 

"AARON!" I screamed. Aaron began laughing hysterically causing me to let out a couple of chuckles. His camera was still pointed in my direction. "Oh I think the fuck not." I smiled, pointing to his camera. Still laughing, he shook his head and walked out of the room. Some people I lived with, huh. I decided on a pair of white jeans and chucked on my black vans. I also threw on my black baseball cap in effort to dress to impress, if ya know what I mean. I grabbed the duplicated pair of keys from my gym shorts and thumped down the stairs. Brooke was now in the kitchen rummaging through the pantry She moped around lazily in a tank top and sweats. A blanket was wrapped around her shoulders like a cape.

"Ughhhh you guys have absolutely nothing to eat." she groaned. Oh boy, it must be that time of the month, I thought. She shuffled over in my direction, wrapping her arms around my torso and mushing her head into my chest. I rubbed her back and let out a chuckle. 

"Do you want me to grab you something from taco bell?" I questioned sweetly. She looked up at me, now resting only her chin on my chest. Her vibrant green eyes met mine, making me fall in love with her all over again. 

"Yes please," she smiled. I kissed her forehead, and made my way out the door. 

While driving to taco bell I turned the rock station on. I jammed out for a bit until I arrived at the drive through. I ordered her favorites and a drink as well. When I got back to the house I placed the food on the counter and snuck the keys in the bag. 

"Brookey, foods here." I sat at the counter, expecting her to sit next to me. She practically ran into the room and like I thought, sat down at the wooden stool to my left. I sat with my hands crossed on the counter, waiting for her to notice the keys. I watched her as she opened the taco and took a big bite. Completely missing the keys. 

"Why are you acting so strange?" she questioned with a mouth full. I continued to watch her eat, purposely trying to get on her nerves. 

"Colby! " She exclaimed, growing impatient. "Oh, my bad, Thank you for the food." she stated satisfied, thinking she hit the target.

"Close, but no cigar." I laughed. Completely confused, she furrowed her eye brows. I pointed to the bag, attempting to help her out. She dug through the napkins in the bottom to soon find what she was meant to.

"Did you misplace you keys?" she said, as they dangled from her fingers. She tried handing them to me but I refused to take them.

"No, yours." I stated with a smile. She stopped chewing and looked down at the gold set of metal in her hand.

"What?" she questioned, with a little more pep. "You mean to the house?"

"I want you to move in with me." I  stated with confidence. Her eyes lit up and she let out a laugh. Embracing me in a tight hug, she spoke the words I had yet to hear from her since she left. 

"I love you." 

She called her dad in New York and fought with him on and off for a few days. I felt selfish for being the cause of their troubles, but I needed her here with me. Her dad didn't approve of the fact that she was dropping out of school, however he agreed to her staying with us. I was fortunate he still had the heart to take a liking to me. She had her stuff shipped to the house and we were now in the process of setting up her room. Her room was the old spare room next to mine and Sam's. I was so excited for the future.

Brookes POV

Today was the official move in day. Although I've basically been living here for the past week, It was officially becoming my home today. I was so excited to finally be living with my best friends. Since I was 19, it was time to start the new chapter In my life. Sam and Colby had helped me bring my furniture up and Kat was helping me decorate. She had gotten over her little cold and insisted on lending a hand. We set up my movie shelf with my collection of different flicks. I had so many, we had to organize them by genre. I was putting the last movie on the shelf, when a flash from the doorway caught my attention. Shea was standing in the door way with a polaroid, taking the picture out of it's slot. I smiled at the sight of my new friend. She was dressed in a leather jacket and black jeans.

"A house warming gift?" she proposed, passing me the camera in one hand and fanning the tiny momentum in her other. I giggled and embraced her in a warm hug. 

"Thank you." I smiled, causing her to let out a giggle.

"So, I got tickets to see IT tonight, and am to much of a chicken to go alone." I cheered in excitement to watch a good movie.

"Of course I'll go! As long as we get popcorn though." I stated.

"Oh of course. What's a movie without popcorn?" We both giggled. 

We hung out for a while and she helped Kat and I set up my room a bit more. We ran around the house snapping candid pictures of everyone for my wall. I got a candid of Elton yawning, of Sam's sneak attack on Aaron (with Aaron in mid scream), Devyn doing her makeup, and Corey running after Circa who stole his shoe. But my favorite was of Colby, who got scared by the flash. He looked like a deer caught in headlights. And of course, Colby took a picture of me, Kat and Shea pretending like we were from Charlie's angels. The last of the film was used on a snap shot of Colby and I sharing a kiss. I'm glad Shea snuck that picture.

Colby had gone over to Brennen's and texted me informing me that he had tickets for tonight's show as well. Colby bought a ticket online, so we all decided on meeting up at the theatre. We were driving over in Shea's car when I got a snap chat from Brennen. I laughed and quickly showed Shea, trying not to distract her from the road.

"They're goof balls." she replied.

" she replied

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