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Brushing her short hair, Astrid hummed to herself.
"I wonder how Nefera and Cleo have been doing."

A knock at her door startled her. "Who is it?" She called.

"Your father." The deep voice of her father says.

She let's out a small smile, "Come in."

The doors opened, revealing Ramses in his fancy attire.

"You look nice." He comments.

Astrid giggles, "Thanks daddy."

Turning back to her mirror, Astrid continues to brush her hair as her father speaks to her.

"Your sisters should be arriving shortly for dinner. Is there anything you'd like to ask before dinner?" He takes a seat on her bed.

Astrid turns back, raising an eyebrow, "What? Like a trial dinner? So I could know what to ask before the real thing?"

Ramses chuckles, "Yes. You know how your sisters can be."

"Daddy, it's been like a year since I talked to them. I'm sure they've changed." She remained quiet for a moment. Blinking she shook her head, "Scratch that. I can feel in my bones that they are still preppy and sensitive."

Ramses chuckles.

She places her brush down, looking at herself in the mirror, "It's weird to see myself look so nice."

Ramses walks over, gently touching her hair, "You've always looked nice my daughter."

"But not like Cleo and Nefera and other ghouls. Everyone shines beautifully. I always hide in the dark, avoiding the monsters out there." She frowns.

Her father frowns. Placing a hand on her head, he comforts her, "You're beautiful. Your sisters are beautiful as well. All of you, are different kinds of beautiful."

The young ghoul gags, "Daddy! Quit it! Ugh! I think I'm gonna throw up."

Ramses playfully glares at her, "How can you throw up when you haven't eaten anything yet?"

Astrid chuckles, "Point taken."


"Cleo, how was school?" Ramses asked his daughter.

The De Nile family-minus Astrid and Dedyet-were eating dinner in the dining room.

Cleo rolls her eyes, "It was alright I guess. We had another one of those lessons to stay away from normies on halloween."

Nefera laughs, iritating Cleo, "I remember those lessons. I feel bad for you. Oh wait, no I don't." She continues to laugh, teasing her younger sister.

As the two girls argued, Ramses had enough and slammed his hand on the table, "Girls." They both stopped instantly,giving there dad there full attention, "We have a guest joining us for dinner."

Nefera immediately starts freaking out, "What? Now you say that? I don't even have time to get ready."

"Daddy, why did you say this so late? Where is this guest anyways?"

Before Ramses could reply, a voice shouted.

"Nefera! Cleo! Your baby sister is the guest of honour!" Astrid calls, running down the hallway.

Both girls eyes widen.

Turning to stare at the double doors, they waited in anticipation for them to open.

"Could it really be...?" Nefera trails off.

"Astrid..." Cleo gasps.

The doors opened, and running in, is Astrid.

The younger De Nile stopped to catch her breathe. She stared at her two sisters.

They stared back shocked.

Astrid leaned back, "Do you ghouls mind telling me why while I was asleep, you had gotten me the most girliest things?"

"Astrid!" Both sisters got up.

They ran over to there little sisters with tears in there eyes.

Astrid smiled slightly, "Cleo....Nefera..."

In just a moment, the three were in one big hug.

"You're awake." Cleo cried.

"I thought we'd never get you back." Nefera cried, hugging her as closely as possible.

Astrid stared down, trying to hide her tears, "Be quiet. You're both acting like babies." She wiped her tears away.

Ramses smiled at the scene before him. Placing a hand in his left pocket, he grabbed the small ring.

"Dedyet....our little family is....coming together once again."

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