Text Messages

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Virgil sat on his bed in the middle of his almost pitch black room, he felt bad. Usually he felt bad but this time it was far worse than before. And frankly the poor man didn't know what to do. So he turned to his phone and opened his messages up and pursed his lips as he reluctantly texted Roman.
V: Hey...
A few moments later Virgil felt his phone buzz.
R: Well this is quite unusual, you've never texted me before. Why are you now?
V: I'm kind of...
V: I dunno sad, like usual I guess but worse. Sorry for bothering you I'll just go to Patton.
R: No! No, it is fine, I don't particularly mind and I'm not doing anything really important right now. What seems to be the matter?
V: it's just...I know all of you try your hardest to make me feel like part of the group but I'm just not like the rest of you. Your all so optimistic and vibrant, Logan isn't really but he can be and I'm always just dark.
R: Yes that is true
Virgil stared at his screen and put his phone down sighing, he felt it buzz and picked it back up.
R: while you often are dark you do have your points and being optimistic and as you say vibrant all the time isn't always the best thing. As Thomas said you are just as important as the rest of us, Virgil.
V: ...Thank you, Roman. That was very...nice.
Virgil smiled slightly as Roman replied.
R: Of course, your prince will always be here. Except for now I have to go see fairy god mother about this new suit. Goodbye Virgil.
V: Bye.

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