Breathe, Just Breathe

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Virgil POV

It's getting bad again, like really bad. I haven't left my room in almost a week and so in turn I haven't eaten anything in almost a week. My stomach screams with pain and need and yet I can't find the energy or motivation to get up. I've been having really horrible nightmares night after night and each time I wake back up I end up going through a horrible panic attack that lasts for what seems like hours.
I go to get up, telling myself I need to eat I have to get up and do something before I waste away. Get up I tell myself and slowly but surely my legs move to swing over the side of the bed but the moment I go to stand my body constricts, after not moving for so long many of my limbs fell asleep and now they were giving me a stabbing pain. I became lightheaded and immediately dropped to the ground, I tried to catch myself on my desk but instead just ended up knocking stuff off of it and onto the ground as my limp body hit the ground with a loud thud.
I didn't want to admit it to myself but I needed help, I was only going to get worse and that I'm turn would only hurt Thomas more and I didn't want to do that. I had to get better, for Thomas. While still laying face down on the floor I started searching my pockets for my cellphone as my eyes started to get blurry from tears. Go on Virgil, ask for help I told myself, I have to it's not that hard. Quit making such a big deal and just fucking call someone I yelled at myself internally.
I picked a random number and brought the phone up to my ear, when a certain princely voice came back I almost immediately hung up. Why didn't I call Patton? Princey would probably make fun of me, wouldn't he? Well it was worth a shot, when I didn't say anything Roman spoke.
"Hello? Virgil? Is everything ok?"
I managed to squeak out a small no.
"What's wrong? Did you hurt yourself? I heard a thud a moment ago, what's going on?"
I tried to swallow the lump that formed in my throat as I whispered.
"I need help."
Tears welled up in my eyes more and poured down my cheeks, I managed to say it but it still hurt to say. God I am fucking useless, I can't even do anything by myself I'm just burdening others. Why do I bother, maybe I should just wither away.
"I'm coming."
Roman said almost immediately as he hung up and within a few moments I heard a soft knock as he entered my room. He saw me on the ground and reacted swiftly by grabbing me Princess style and placing me on the bed.
"You haven't been cutting again have you? Please tell me you're not bleeding out."
"I'm not bleeding out, no I haven't been cutting."
"What is it? Have you not been eating, god damn it I shouldn't of been ignoring you! I've been so busy with the dress rehearsal and everything I completely ignored you I'm sorry."
"It's fine, I wouldn't want you to make a big deal out of me anyways, it doesn't matter. I'm sorry for bothering you."
Virgil was shocked by not only the curse word that came from the prince but also his sincere words. Roman's face turned to slight anger as he spoke.
"Don't say that! If you're having troubles it matters just like with everyone else. Now how long has it been since you've eaten?"
"Five or six days roughly."
With a look of determination Roman left the room and cake back shortly with some salad.
"Here eat this for now, I'll make you some spaghetti as well."
"Roman it's fine, I'm sorry for calling you I was just being a big baby-"
"No it is not fine! You are starving yourself!"
I looked down and said quietly.
"What if I deserve it?"
Roman looked like he was ready to smack me in the face but suddenly he softened, his shoulders slumping as he kneeled down and took my hands into his.
"What you deserve is to be cared for, to be saved and if I have to be your prince I will. I refuse to stand here and watch as you do this to yourself, you are worth so much more than you believe."
My eyes widened slightly, I had finally managed to stop crying but Roman's words caused a whole hit waterfall to start again from my eyes. Roman smiles sweetly.
"Don't be afraid to ask me for help, anytime you need it your prince will be here."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2019 ⏰

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