The King

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Virgil scoffed as he was pushed into the throne room, chains scrapping against the ground and clanking against one another as he walked.
As he was pushed feet in front of the throne he was forced to kneel as he looked up through his hair at the king. The king sat on his throne looking quite unamused, his legs crossed and his back slouched in a very laid back manner. His blue eyes snaked over to Virgil's as he spoke loud and clear.
"So your the kingslayer? The one who has been killing king after king for nearly a year? I expected you to be more menacing looking."
Virgil rolled his eyes as the king spoke.
"Looks have nothing to do with it."
He spoke in a low voice as he was hoisted to his feet.
"Well kingslayer I actually have a task for you, unfortunately."
The king said this last word quietly as if he had tried to suppress the comment entirely but failed.
"What's this task?"
"I want you to take out a certain, unethical and evil king for me who threatens my lands."
"How about no."
Virgil stared this very monotoned as the king stepped down from his throne and got in front of the dark haired man, he tilted Virgil's chin up as he smirked devilishly.
"We could always just shove you into the dungeon, although our dungeons are a bit different than most. They're more like arenas for gladiators."
Virgil pursed his lips as he thought.
"How do you know you can even trust me?"
"I don't, don't take me for a fool boy. But I assure you if you try an attempt at my life you will not succeed."
The king seemed almost villainous for a moment and then his demeanor changed back to carefree and playful. Virgil wasn't really sure about this guy but frankly he figured he didn't really have a choice in the matter.
"Alright fine, I'll do it."
"Great! Come then."
The king clapped as he did this and turned and the guards took the chains off of Virgil, pushing Virgil to follow the king. He did so unwillingly as he was led into some hidden barracks.
"Here's where you can get some gear, or not I personally don't care how you do it. King Roman is not a picky man."
Virgil grabbed some daggers and a holster and put them on and then followed the king through the labyrinth like palace.
"If you succeed you may live a life here, or anywhere else in the kingdom you wish. Your crimes will be excused and you'll never have to work a day again."
"Oh is that so? What if I do it for the pleasure of killing arrogant pricks?"
"Well than I don't really care as long as it's not me."
Roman replied and then they both went back to the throne room and Roman sat down on the throne again.
"Personally though I think I'd prefer you here."
Virgil rose a brow at the king.
"What does that mean?"
Roman smirked and crossed his legs again.
"Go do what I asked and you'll find out."

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