4. The Unknown Feeling

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Minji POV

I just discharge from the hospital. Right now I am walking in the hospital garden. Jimin oppa is talking to my doctor.  "I miss you Minjae" those words. I can't forget about them. It kept bothering me. How did he know Minjae? He can't be Minjae namja chingu right? No no. He can't be the one who kill Minjae right? Argh! Why does Minjae left without telling me anything!? Why she left me? Why Minjae? Wae?? I don't think Sungwoon is Minjae namja chingu. It's just a coincidence right? Maybe they are friend? Might be best friend? 
"Minji? Let's go." I turn around and see Jimin oppa with his famous eye smile. I smile back and follow him to his car.

Throughout the ride, I can't stop thinking about Minjae and Sungwoon. 

"Minji ya. Are you okay? You don't look happy. I thought this is what you want? Getting free from the hospital?" Jimin oppa ask me. He might be worried since I haven't talk at all. I look over him. "I'm fine oppa. I am happy. It just that. Something is bothering me." he look shock to hear what I just said. "What is it saeng? Tell me. I'm sure I can help you with it." 
"Well. Do you know who is Minjae namja chingu?" I ask him making him startled by my question. "I thought you are her twin sister? How come you don't know?" (Finally!! It is time to let you guys know who Minjae is!!) I sighed. "I know. But she never really tell me. She just tell me that she had a crush on someone. She never tell me his name. I don't know why. I guess she might think that I will not like it tho."  he nodded. It takes him a minute before he started talking again. "I don't know who is he too. But she just tell me his name." I look shock to hear what he just said. I look at him. "You do!? What is his name!??" he look at me and smile. "Calm down saeng. I kinda forgot what his name is. But if I'm not mistaken, his family name starts with Ha. And his name starts with the letter S." wait wait wait a minute. His family name is Ha. His name starts with S. Could it be... HA SUNGWOON!!?

Sungwoon POV

I can't stop thinking about Minji. I feel so lonely without her by my side. Eventho she rarely talk to me. But, I really feel that something is missing. Do I really like her? Or I already...love her ?

As I am in my thought, those girl who had a crush on me come to my table. 
"Oppa. Why are you so lonely. Don't you wanna be with us??" one of them said. I look at her. "Go away you freaking desperate girls." I said and left them dumbfound. Since it is recess I quickly walk to the canteen. I search for the others and there I saw them already eating and laughing. 

"Why are you late?" Jisung hyung ask me. "Nothing." I look over to search for Daehwi. "Where is Daehwi?" I ask them all. "He is in the library with Guanlin." I nodded. I need to see him. As soon as possible. Suddenly someone whisper to me. "Hyung. Meet us at the back of the school after schools end." I look over and saw Jinyoung with Daniel. I just nodded.


I am at the back of the school right now. Waiting for Jinyoung and Daniel. I already tell Daehwi to wait for me. He will wait for me at the school gate. I look around and saw two familiar faces walk to me. "What do you guys need from me?" I ask them both. "We got something to tell you." I don't know why but I feel nervous. "Did you remember the day that you ask me who Minji really is?" Jinyoung ask me. I just nodded nervously. "Do you remember your yeoja chingu?" Daniel ask. "O-of course I do. Wh-why?" I stuttered. "You told me that their face is seriously the same right?" Daniel said again. I just nodded. "Well, actually. Minji is...." "Minjae twin sister." 


I cancel my plan to meet Daehwi. It is because of what Daniel and Jinyoung had just told me. I-I couldn't believe. Is it true? How come did I just know? Why do Minjae never told me she had a twin? Is she afraid that I will not love her anymore? I'm sorry Minjae. I never meant to leave you. I walk to Minjae's grave. It's been a long time since I visit her. When I was about to walk to her grave, I saw Minji. Wha-what is she doing here? I need to go. Before I could go, she already call me. 

"Ha Sungwoon! Come here!" I nervously turn around and look at her. "Whatcha doin here?" she ask me. "I-I'm visiting m-my appa grave's." I lie but I just stutter. Such a bad liar Sungwoon. "Really huh? If you do, why did you turn around when you see me?" I need to make an excuse. "What do you mean? I was just about to go home." I gulp nervously. "Are you sure? How come I didn't see you here before?" aish this girl. Why do she ask me so many things?? "I guess because you didn't look around?" she smirk. "It was just me here. Nobody came here" oh shit. Ottoke!? "Well, Sungwoon. You can't lie to me. You came her to visit Minjae am I right?" what!? How did she know!? "Well. Um- well. Actually yes." I look down. She smile. "How did you know her Sungwoon? Are you, her best friend or something?" she ask me more. Stop asking will ya!?  "Well, yeah. We both are friends. Really good friends. " she nodded. Please believe me....  "Ahh.. Really then? If you do, do you perhaps, know who is her namja chingu?" shit. Aigooo... Ottoke!!?? "Well, actually I don't. She never tell me. She just told me she had a crush on someone. " she seems to believe. "I get going first. It's getting late. " she said and walk pass me. But then she stop beside me and whisper. "You can't hide anything from me." her words send shivers to my spine.

Minji POV

I visit Minjae's grave. It's been a long time actually. I look up. It almost rain. I kneel in front of her grave.

"Hey sissy. How are you doing there? I hope you are happy tho." I said and without realise, tears roll down. "Why did you left me sis. Do you, not love me anymore? You said you will never leave me. But why did you go? Why do you keep secrets from me? We are twins right? Then why you don't tell me anything about him? You don't trust me? Or is it because you think that I will take him away from you? My answer is no Minjae. I will never like him. I will never make him mine. I will never broke the promise we made. Do you remember them?"


"Before I go, can you promise me something?" I ask Minjae. "What is it sis?" I look at her straight. "Can you promise me that you will never leave me and wait til I come back?" she smile. "Of course I will never leave you. I will always wait for you to come back. Can you promise me something?" she ask me back. I nodded. "Since you already know that I had a crush on someone. You need to promise me that you will never like him and never take him away from me kay?" I laugh. "Seriously Minjae? Of course I will not. I don't even know him tho. Why are you saying things like this?" "Ehehe. Nothin'. Well, be careful there. Take care of yourself okay?" she said to me. "Take care of yourself too. Be happy with him. Goodluck. Keep the promise you made arasseo?"

End of flashback~

The rain pour. One by one. I was about to go but then I saw someone familiar. The person look shock to see me then he turns away.

"Ha Sungwoon! Come here!" I call him before he even walk away. He turns around and walk to me. I ask him what is he doing here. He answer my question but stutter. It's like he is lying to me. I can tell because first, he stuttered. Second, he don't look at me while talking. Third,he keep on gulping. Finally, he let them out. He said that he was supposed to visit Minjae's grave. So I ask him if he know her. He said that they are good friends. But it looks like he doesn't mean it. Hmmm.. Suspicious. I ask him more. This time, I ask him if he know about Minjae's namja chingu. He look shock by the question. It takes him a minute before he answer the question. He said that he don't know anything about Minjae's namja chingu. The rain getting a little heavier so I bid him goodbye. But I stopped beside him and whisper right in his ear, "You can't hide anything from me." with that. I left him dumbfound.

Someone's POV

I heard that Sungwoon like Minji. No, he can't take her away from me. Not after Minjae. I had enough seeing him with Minjae. I can't let it pass this time. I will not give up. This time, I will take Minji. I will make Minji as mine. Minji will fall for me. Not him. I'm sorry Sungwoon, but not this time.


Hey guys!! I'm back with the new chapter! How was it? Please vote and kindly comment too guys. I really need your opinion. Don't left me hanging :'( I try harder if it is not fun cause sometimes I got no jam too ^*^ Kidding.  Who do you guys think that 'someone POV' is? Will the 'someone' get Minji away from Sungwoon? Or will Sungwoon gets her first? Wait for the next chapter k!? Sorry if this chapter a little short. And sorry for the mistakes too. Annyeong!


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