Chapter One

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A structure built of cobblestone stood proudly before the world. Towers of many were connected with walls, surrounding the large castle within its strong border. The roofs were painted an azure blue color, accenting against the silver bricks from the walls. Elegant windows were scattered randomly across the tall silver exterior walls.

Blades of jade-colored grass swayed against the gentle warm breeze that swept over the valley. Trees of many surrounded the regal building like an enclosure, hiding it within the forest depths. A still clear stream reflected the bright blue sky as the white fluffy clouds flew across it. Swans gracefully swan on the water's surface creating little ripples in the water. The landscape was beautiful, absolutely breathtaking.

But that was not what had attracted the attention of the many people who came to the castle that day. Carriages of many rode briskly on the semi-smooth dirt road that led to the palace that waited atop the hill. Horses of varying breed and color pulled the intricately designed coaches with their powerful muscles, their hooves making a resounding trotting sound.

Crossing the stone arched bridge that crossed over the river, led into the courtyard where the main entrance of the castle was located in. In the center of the area was a large fountain that spewed water the beauteous statue.

Coachmen stepped down from their perches next to the driver to open the door of the carriage to allow the Royals out of the ride. Queens wearing gowns made of the finest thread and silk exiting with the hand the coachmen had offered them. Their crown secured atop their heads in the confines of their perfectly styled hair. Kings were dressed in matching colors to their wives, consisted of dress shirts and dress pants along with a long overcoat that reached mid-thigh.

The Kings and queens of their own kingdoms walked with pose towards the grand doors that were wide open for the many guests, their arms linked. Stopping for seconds to wait for a servant to find their name on the guest list before letting them enter with a bow of respect.

Inside a large ballroom was filled with royals from kingdoms of far and wide. High prestige and those of low social ranking were gathered. Standing on the polished marble floor, waiters carrying trays of the finest champagne and exquisitely made horderves catered to the guests. The noblemen and women talked amiably about various subjects, ranging from the economy of their kingdoms to politics. It was a very formal event but the guests were not just your everyday King or Queen.

Long strands of flaming red hair cascaded down the back of very beautiful women who was dressed in a just as equally beautiful green dress that accented wonderfully with her bright hair color. Blue, nearly grey eyes sparkled as the women laughed lightly as her husband talked to her and the others surrounding them

The aforementioned man had a head of yellow hair that was spiked up in multiple directions but still managed to look well kept at the same time. The man's sea blue eyes held warmth and wisdom far beyond his age. He stood nearly a foot taller than his wife that stood beside him loyally, clinging to his right arm as he motioned with his left while he spoke. A habit of his.

The couple was none other than King Minato Namikaze and Queen Kushina Uzumaki of the Sunridge kingdom. One of the most powerful kingdom across the land.

Smiling brightly from adjacent of the couple was a woman who had barely an inch more height than the other women. Her hair was black with tints of navy that shone more prominently against the light of the chandelier that hung overhead, stopping just past her shoulder blades. Her dress was that of a navy in color as well, going well with her diamond-like eyes of onyx.

Beside her was a man who had short faded black hair that barely touched the top of his broad shoulders. He stood tall with an aura that reeked of authority and power, his expression and hard dark eyes demanded respect. He held himself in a kingly manner that his already straight posture seemed even straighter, his firm disposition seemed firmer.

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