Chapter Two

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A bed of smooth white silken sheets and a comforter of the softest fabric was home to a sleeping prince. One of hair of short onyx that glinted navy in the rays of the sun that laid on top of him. His mop of oddly styled hair was slightly disarrayed from sleep but he still looked as handsome as he always was. His eyes were closed gently as his lashes touched his pale cheeks, he looked at peace from the tranquility that sleep provided.

His room was beautifully decorated, with high-class furniture of the most expensive brand. The hardwood in the room so polished and smooth it looked as fresh as the day it was crafted. Large golden framed windows that were as clear as crystal- perhaps because they were made of crystal, overlooked a stunning view of one of the most prosperous kingdoms throughout the land. A kingdom in which this young prince one day inherit.

The seventeen-year-old boy inhaled before exhaling a few seconds later, his chest rising and falling as he does so. He dreamed a very strange dream, at least that what he had thought.

All around him cherry blossom petals flew in the air. In the distance, he saw a large tree with branches of pink- a cherry blossom tree. Next to it stood a young girl with strands of long hair that billowed in the wind, it's color matching that of the petals of the tree. But what he was entirely entranced was the gems that stared into him. A pair of mesmerizing green eyes that were richer then any emerald or jade, they sparkled like diamonds in the light of them. The sight took his breath away.

"Who are you?" He asked.

A soft giggle spilled out of the mouth of the beautiful girl, her luscious pink lips lifted into a just as beautiful smile.

"My name is-"

Just before the mysterious gorgeous women could tell him her name, his state of peace was interrupted. He was awoken abruptly by something quite heavy landing on top of his torso. Causing him to let out an 'Omph!' sound as a tanned elbow dug into his ribcage, which hurt mind you.

But this limb was one he recognized very well and knew it to belong to one boy.

"Naruto you dobe! Get off of me!" The raven-haired prince yelled.

The squirming figure stopped in its movements before removing the sheet that was covering the raven's dark eyes. The blonde figure grinned, resembling a fox. His whiskers on his cheeks made the similarity almost uncanny.

"Rise and shine teme! It's time to get your ass out of bed!" The blonde yelled loudly, and right in his ear too.

The boy with oddly styled hair winced at the pain in her ears before shooting a glare at his longtime best friend who seemed immune to his heated gaze.

"I'm right here dobe, stop yelling" he grumbled.

Naruto, who was still lying on his knees hovering over the now grumpy prince that was tangled up in his sheets and glaring at him. But the loud blonde had gotten used to his friend's attitude long ago so he paid no mind to the silent death threat the dark haired boy was sending him with his eyes.

The whiskered boy then jumped off the king sized bed and stood at his film height while the other tried to go back to sleep.

Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, prince of the Sunridge kingdom was not pleased with his best friends attempts (and succeeding) at ignoring him. The blonde prince's hair was spiky and stuck out at random angles, it's color was as bright in color as the ball of fire the sky. His eyes were azure blue, looking much like the sea and had a sparkle that resembled the glare the water gave off.

The boy who wished sleep would claim him once more and whisk him back to the dream with the pink haired girl, was none other than Sasuke Uchiha, prince of the Raven Shire kingdom.

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